Page 11 of Faster (Bad Boys of Texas 5)
“Yeah, I got lucky this time. I may not be able to stay all week next time.” We’re sitting on the couch, my head on his chest, resting over where his heart is beating, his fingers combing through my hair, lulling me into a peacefulness which after earlier this week is much needed.
“That’s okay. I’ll be with you for two days. And this is only temporary until we figure out our full game plan. We’ve got this.” I pick my head up, wanting him to see that we’re going to be truly alright.
“Fuck, yeah, we do.” His head dips down, a light graze of his lips against my own. I want to deepen our kiss so badly, but schoolwork is calling my name, and I growl at the thought of it.
“I have to do my homework. I can’t wait for this semester to be over. I’ll finally have my degree and won’t feel like I’m pulled in every direction.” It’s taken me a lot longer to get my degree than I initially planned. Some of that was because it was hard as shit, the other part was helping my parents at the restaurant during the non-tourist months, and good help was hard to find. Especially while college is in session.
“It’ll be worth it in the end, and if I only get you for dinner and a few minutes afterwards, so be it. One day, you won’t have it all going on, and we can spend our evenings like this, maybe at the farm some days, sitting on the porch, watching the sun set in the distance. Or we’re here just like this. Either way, it’s all fucking worth it.” God, Rhett’s outlook on life, always so optimistic.
“You’re right. You going to hang out here while I study and do homework?” I ask him.
“Yep, gonna sit right here and watch my woman get her smart on. Maybe do some work for a little while. Once you get things done, I’m going to take care of you.” I see the fire in his eyes. Rhett is a man of his word, which is why I hurriedly get up, grab the stuff I need, and get down to business. Because there’s nothing better than having Rhett take care of me in every way imaginable.
“You’re fine, baby. They’re going to love you.” Selena is sitting in the truck beside me. I squeeze her thigh, and her hand moves on top of mine. There was no sense in us taking two vehicles, not when I can drop her off at her place before going to the meeting that’s booked next week. The only shitty part about next week is that we’ll be apart all week. This client is another two hours north of her, and don’t think I haven’t thought about making the round trip back to her place, except this guy is adamant that it’s a dinner meeting, so it looks like I’ll be gone until the deal is closed, which fucking blows.
“I know that. I mean, you’ve told me that repeatedly, but that still doesn’t help these nerves of mine. I swear there are butterflies floating around in my stomach.” I wish for anything that I could take that away from her.
“Well, that’s something you’ll just have to wait and see, then. But I promise this will be just like when you’re around your family.” I was going to take her to my place first, let her get settled in for a bit. When I told her of those plans, she didn’t want any part of it. Selena would rather rip the Band-Aid off, so to speak, which is why when we pull up to my parents’ place, I see that my sister and Creed’s vehicles are there, as well as Dad’s golf cart that he uses to get around these days.
“I’m ready. I’m just going to be myself, right?” My hand leaves her thigh as I put the truck in Park, then I’m turning in my seat, cupping her cheek, wanting to get her complete attention.
“That’s all you ever have to be. You’re perfect, baby.” I kiss her lips softly. Out of the corner of my eye I see my parents, sister, and her husband waiting for us to step out of the truck.
“Oh God, I love when you do that.” We pull away from one another. Her nerves seem to be settled down some.
“Love that you love it, Lena. I think they’re ready to meet you. Stay put. I’ll open your door for you.” I grin at her.
“I see what you’re doing there,” she teases me, but it’s not something I don’t usually do. It goes without saying I always open Selena’s door for her.
“Oh my gosh, stop hoarding the girl. She needs to come up for air eventually,” my sister, the damn pest, says the second I open up my truck door.