Page 15 of Hitman (Heaven and Hell)
My bare feet make contact with the cool hardwood floor before I sneak a peek over my shoulder. A's eyes are closed, and his face remains lax.
On gentle feet, I start tiptoeing around the room, grabbing my dress and shoes off the floor as I head toward the door. My fingertips graze the metal doorknob when his deep voice booms through the room.
“Going somewhere?”
I pull my hand away from the knob like it suddenly bursts into flames. Spinning around while clutching the dress to my chest, I stare at A’s scowling at me from the bed. Lifting his finger, he motions for me to come back to bed.
Sighing in defeat, I drop my clothes and walk back to the bed with my head hanging low. “You can’t expect me not to try.”
“I expect you not to succeed, for your own sake.”
“You can’t just keep me here.”
“I can, and I will. The pleasantness of your stay with me is entirely up to you, but I can promise you one thing. If you try to leave again, I will kill you.”
I swallow. Hard. He’s not joking. The death glare he gives me right now leaves no room for a misunderstanding. If I don’t listen, he’ll kill me.
“I need money,” I blurt out.
He cocks his head at me, inspecting me curiously. “Money? I just gave you a bunch. What did you do with that cash?”
“I paid off some debt and a few bills ahead,” I say truthfully. “But more bills are going to pile up soon, and I can’t not pay them.”
“What kind of bills?”
“My apartment for one, my phone and power bill…” I trail off. There is really not much more besides Grams’s facility, but I’m not ready to tell him about that.
“You won’t need any of that since you are staying here. Tell me the real reason you need that money. Are you sending it to someone?”
“I just need it, okay? You want to keep me as your live-in sex toy? Fine, pay me. I want nine hundred dollars a week. You can do whatever you want to me for that.”
Excitement glistens in his eyes, and I’m already certain he is going to take the deal. “Why not just keep you and force you to be my sex toy for free?”
“Because I know you’d rather have me cooperate.” At least I hope. He killed the two guys for almost raping me, so I am going out on a limb and saying he doesn't want to force me.
“Fine, I’ll give you nine hundred a week, but let's get two things straight. One, I still don’t trust you. Two, I get to do whatever I want, which is going to be a very specific fantasy of mine.” A smile tugs on his lips, but his eyes are anything but friendly. They promise something dark.
“L-like what?” I remember him having me in the BDSM room and not being interested in any of the toys there. I know what people do in the other rooms upstairs, and none of that scares me. It’s the stuff they do downstairs that has my skin crawling. “Are you going to hurt me?”
“No,” he says right away, and a weight—one I didn’t even know was there— is lifted from my chest. “What I have planned won’t hurt you, but it is a bit unorthodox.”
“You won’t tell me what it is?”
“No. I'd rather it be a surprise.” He kicks off the blanket and gets out of the bed. My eyes fall onto his almost naked body. He is only wearing a pair of black boxers, the rest of his muscular body on full display.
“If you won’t tell me that, will you at least tell me your name?”
Alaric. I try the name out in my head. It’s stupid, but I’m a little less scared of him now that I know his name. It makes him a little less mysterious and a little more human.
“Come on, let’s take a shower.” Alaric motions for me to enter the attached bathroom.
“Together?” I ask as if I don’t already know the answer.
“Yes.” He smirks.
I step into the bathroom, suddenly feeling a bit shy, which is stupid, considering what I just agreed on doing. Besides, he already saw me completely naked at the club.
“Take your shirt and panties off,” he orders while ridding himself of his own underwear. I watch his already hard cock spring free, and my mouth waters as the memory of that thing in my mouth resurfaces.
Grabbing the hem of the shirt I slept in, I pull it over my head, realizing how tight and sensitive my nipples feel. He turns on the shower while keeping his eyes trained on me as I push down my panties next.
The large shower is made for at least two people, but as I step inside with Alaric, it feels small and cramped. If it wasn't for the shower walls being made of glass, I would surely have a panic attack right about now.