Page 34 of Bully No More
There was light coming from the art studio, and when he entered, he saw Kim was staring at the wall. She was staring at his picture, the one she’d drawn when she considered him a bully.
He looked at the picture, and paused.
The picture was of the two of them. Kurt tilting her head back, and the look on his face was one he recognized. It was pure love. Along the top of the painting were the words, BULLY NO MORE.
Kim turned toward him. “This is how I see you now.”
“Babe, this is …”
“It’s mine. It’s not going to be put on sale. This is what I feel when I think about us. You’re not a bully, Kurt.”
He took a deep breath, touched that she had changed her thoughts of him. “I spoke to my parents, and to yours.”
“Ah, did my mom tell you I’d given her permission to go crazy on all the extras?”
“Yes, my mom’s joining forces with her. It’ll be an interesting wedding.” Kim got to her feet and walked toward him. He opened his arms, and she went right into them.
“I love you, Kurt Michaels.”
“Love you too, angel.” He kissed the top of her head, and they turned to look at the painting.
Ten years ago
Kurt stared across the dinner hall as Kim entered with her best friend. They had been given an assignment together, and he’d been trying to spend time with her.
“Yo, man, what’s up?” Noah asked, drawing his attention.
Shaking his head, he smiled. “Nothing, I’m fine.”
No, he wasn’t fine. Something was seriously wrong with him. Since spending a little time with Kim, she’d been in his head, and not the usual way. He used to call her fat and be mean to her. Now, he didn’t know what to do, as when he looked at her, he didn’t think of her as fat.
She was curvy, and when she turned to look behind her, twisting, from all the way over at his table, he saw the fullness of her tits, and he wanted her.
His dick thickened.
“Hey, you’re not going to say some shit about her?” Ryan asked, leaning in close. “Don’t you like to torment that girl?”
“Not in the mood,” Kurt said.
His stomach twisted thinking about what he used to call her.
“You okay, man? You look like you’re going to throw up.”
“I’m fine. Okay, I’m fine.” He got up from his seat, and took his tray, emptying it into the trash. Leaving the school grounds, he took several deep breaths of air. Gripping the back of his neck, he tried to loosen his muscles. When he was calm again, and nothing seemed to be fucking with his head, he started to walk around the back of the school. When he got close to the edge of the building, he stopped when he recognized Kim’s voice. Glancing around the building, he saw Kim and Elsa were sitting near the wall on the grass verge. They couldn’t see him, but he could see them.
“You okay?” Elsa asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little stressed with this assignment.”
“Kurt seems to be being nice to you. That’s a good thing.”
“Yeah, until it suits him. I’m waiting for him to strike, you know? He’ll probably put a ‘kick me’ sign on my back, or pour soda into my bag. It’s why I’m carrying my books. I’ve even started to put my hair up, in case he puts something in it.” She sighed. “Just once I’d love to come to school, and not worry about what he’d say or do.”
She sounded so sad, so hurt, and it was all because of him.
Kurt stepped back, knowing he had to change. She didn’t deserve the pain he’d caused.
One day he’d make it up to her.
Staring at the painting of the two of them, Kurt knew he’d done well. This was their future.
“Who would have thought we would be here when we were two complete opposites?” she asked.
“I’d say we were more likely to work. Opposites attract, and I’m attracted to you.” He kissed her neck.
Kim turned in his arms and smiled up at him. “How long do you think we’re going to stay married for?” she asked.
“The rest of our lives. I’m not divorcing you. You can rant, rave, and curse my name, but as far as I’m concerned, we’re in this for life.” He took hold of her hand that had his ring on. “Think about it, Kim. You’re not going to get rid of me.” He pressed a kiss to her ring. “For life, forever, with me, even when I’m an asshole.”
She rolled her eyes. “I suppose someone is going to have to put up with you. Not many people would.”
He nuzzled her neck, biting on her flesh.
Kim laughed and moaned, the tension changing between them.
Kurt couldn’t wait, so, taking her to the floor, he made love to her, and showed her with actions exactly how much.