Page 26 of Bully No More
“I’m sorry.”
“How would you have liked it if I put a call to Kim? Huh? Would you be so forgiving?”
“You’re right. I’m wrong.”
“Ugh, you’re doing that thing again where you always agree with me, and you know that drives me crazy.”
“Kurt was worried.”
“About what?”
“He and Kim are taking the next step.”
“He called you why?”
“Kim’s … a virgin.”
“Well, he figured you’d been a virgin.”
“The cheek,” she said, shaking her head.
“They’re getting married.”
Climbing off the bed, she rushed toward the door, flicking the lock, and opening it.
“What? Kurt proposed?”
“And now they’re having sex?”
Noah nodded, stepping into the room. “I’m hoping you’ll forgive me now.”
“I’m not in the mood anymore.”
He wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up off the floor. “You’re not in the mood?”
“Nope. I’m not ready to have sex again.”
“Babe, you’re pregnant, and I heard that’s supposed to make you horny as hell.”
“It might not. The books said each person is affected differently.” He dropped her to the bed, following her down. Noah eased up the shirt she was wearing and tugged it off her head.
“I’m hoping you’re horny as hell.”
“What if you’re not here to serve my needs?” Elsa asked.
“Babe, I’ll always be here to serve you. If I’m not, I’m just a phone call away.”
“Did you tell him?”
“No, I didn’t.”
They had stopped off at the pharmacy when she told him she’d missed her period. They had done the test together, which had been weird. She’d been so embarrassed, but Noah wanted every single part of it.
“We’re going to have to tell them soon.”
“Soon, now I’ve got to make up for taking a phone call you didn’t want me to take.”
Kim lay on the bed, her hands on her stomach as she stared up at the ceiling. He had smooth ceilings, nothing textured. Kurt hadn’t returned, and it was making her nervous.
The moment he entered the room, she sat up, noticing he held his cell phone, and had a red mark on his forehead.
“What’s going on?” she asked. “You didn’t go for condoms?”
“I’ve got condoms all over the house. I made sure that each room had enough. I wanted to take you in every single room so that I’d always have a memory of us together.”
She sat up, lifting the blanket to cover her breasts. “Okay, so if you don’t have condoms, and you have a cell phone. Did you hit yourself in the head with it?”
“No. I didn’t. I called Noah.”
Kim frowned. “Why would you call him?”
Kurt took a seat on the bed, and she noticed he was still hard.
“Did Noah do that to you?” she asked.
“Do what?”
She pointed at his rock hard dick.
“No, that’s what you do to me. It’s kind of hard not to be aroused even though I’m nervous as hell.”
“Why do you have to be nervous?” she asked.
“I’ve had a lot of sex. I’ve been with a lot of women.”
“You know, this isn’t something I want to hear about naked in your bed.” In fact it was making her really uncomfortable. “Did you bring them back here?”
“What? No. This bed, this house, it’s all new. I wouldn’t do that to you. Not the asshole anymore.”
“Okay, so what’s the problem?”
“I’ve never been with a virgin.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“What did Noah say?”
“There would be some pain, and I can’t stop that from happening, but I can make it better for you.”
Kim tucked some hair behind her ear, wondering what they were supposed to do now, and said as much.
“Do you want me to make love to you?” he asked.
The moment had been lost. Kim frowned. “Not tonight. It’s kind of creepy that you went to your friend.” She smiled. “I’m cursed to stay a virgin forever.”
Kurt moved to lie beside her, taking hold of her face, and capturing her lips. “Not for much longer.”
They didn’t have sex that night, or the night after that. Kurt got called away for a week on a business deal that took him to half way across the globe. Kim spent some time with Elsa, but other than that, she painted. Randy came to visit her, letting her know that her work in his shop at a high-end mall was getting some really interesting offers. People were asking after her, and with Kurt gone, Kim went to Randy’s shop to meet some of the people there.
She took Elsa with her for company as she wasn’t entirely comfortable around new people.
Kim answered questions, and was surprised by the enquiries of doing her painting on commission.
One gentleman wanted her to paint his garden, and another wanted her to paint his woman. Several offers opened up, but Kim didn’t take any of them.
On Sunday, after a week without Kurt, she was missing him, and decided to go for a swim. She climbed into the pool with the sun beaming down, heating up the water. Kim did several lengths, then floated up. When she came across a shadow, she opened her eyes to find Kurt staring down at her.