Page 23 of Bully No More
After what felt like minutes, but probably wasn’t that long, he took a long swallow of beer, chugging down the liquid.
“Is it good?” Kim asked.
“Fucking nasty. I think I chipped a tooth.”
Noah burst out laughing while Kurt pulled his lip to one side, getting her to inspect his tooth. She laughed along with their friends, shaking her head. “Your tooth is fine.”
“I heard Randy is making quite a big deal about your work,” Noah said.
“Yeah. He wants me to do a selection of paintings based on passion. I’ve done some work already, and I showed him pieces. He thinks I’m locked, or blocked, and I need to just let it all go. To be one with my work.”
“Randy talks a lot,” Kurt said. “All good things.”
“Do you think I’m blocked?” Kim asked.
She frowned when he shot her down. Filing it away, she would ask him after their friends had gone.
Noah served up some steaks and chicken, and they dug into their food, enjoying conversation and laughter. Kim wondered if her friend was in fact pregnant. If so, she’d be happy for her.
Later that night, Kim entered the sitting room, finding Kurt already flicking through the channels. Taking a seat beside him, she turned toward him.
“What are you real thoughts on what Randy thinks?” she said.
“Darling, he knows what he’s talking about.”
“Kurt, I trust you, and your opinion means a great deal to me. Please, tell me what you think.”
He sighed and looked toward her.
“Have you felt passion before?”
“There’s a lot of things to feel passionate about. I’m there with my work, my company, I want to see it succeed. Your art is your passion. What about sexual passion, desire, need?”
“I feel that as well.”
“Your work is beautiful, and with it, it showcases that innocence. Randy doesn’t know you’re a virgin. What I think he means by you being blocked, is that you haven’t opened yourself up to that kind of intimacy.”
Her heart was pounding, and her pussy flooded with arousal. Kurt’s shirt had several buttons undone, showing off his chest. He didn’t look like a boy, but a man, and she was finding it hard to deny herself.
Fed up with waiting for him to take the next step, Kim took matters into her own hands.
“Intimacy is an interesting point.” She straddled his waist and held onto the back of the sofa. Grinding her pelvis against his dick, she found he was hard. “You see, Kurt, there’s this guy. He’s a rather complex soul, and I’ve been trying to get him to be intimate with me for a little time now. I’ve taken my clothes off. I’ve sucked his dick.” She still blushed, but kept on going. Nothing was going to stop her. “I’m ready to take the next step. How do you think this guy will feel?” she asked.
Kurt held onto her hips. “Marry me.”
Kim paused and jerked back. If he hadn’t been holding her, she’d have fallen onto the floor. “What?”
“It’s an easy question.”
“I know.”
“Marry me.”
She stared at him, not sure if she was hearing this right. “Marry you?”
“I wasn’t expecting a proposal.”
“You’re asking me to fuck you.”
“I want something a little more.” Kim moved off his lap, and Kurt sighed. “You’re running away?”
She stood in the sitting room. The television played in the background. “I’m in shock right now. I’ve never been proposed to.”
Kurt reached into his pocket and took it one step further. “I bought this for you prom night. I saw it in the jewelry store, and I wanted to give it to you.”
“Ten years ago?”
“Yeah, imagine that. I fell in love with the girl I used to bully.”
Her heart started to pound. “You’re in love with me.”
Kurt didn’t know what came over him. One moment he’d been watching television, but then Kim had straddled his waist, and all thought had left his mind. It had been another glorious night shared with their friends. Kim had sat against him, and he’d held her. She had fit so perfectly against him that he couldn’t imagine life without her.
Now she was straddling his dick, begging for him to fuck her, and he couldn’t hold it back.
“Yeah, I am.” Kurt stared at the ring in his hands, then up at the woman who had destroyed him for all others. “I just want to see if it fits.” He took her hand, and she didn’t pull away. Kurt slid the ring onto her finger, finding it a perfect fit. “You know, I think I read somewhere that if you buy a ring and it fits, it means you’re destined to be together for life.”
Tears glinted in her eyes as she stared down at him.
“How am I supposed to say no? How did you get so romantic? Was there a class, or was this always you?”
Kurt took a deep breath. “Is that a yes? Will you belong to me?”