Page 32 of Their Juicy Woman
“You’re the first person to ever win me something. Mom always tried, but she was like me. Could never make a target.”
“Your dad never took you to the fair?”
“No. He was never interested in stuff like that. My dad, he liked the single life. Mom always said that getting pregnant by him was the best and worst thing that ever happened. There were times he liked to pretend to be a dad. That would last a couple of hours, and he’d stick around until they’d fight, and he’d leave. I think it’s why I don’t really care much about him. He was never someone I could rely on. He always had a life somewhere else.”
“Have you heard from him recently?” Shawn asked.
“Nope. Not a sound from him. I’m glad, actually. Life is easier without him. I didn’t rely on him growing up, so why would I now?”
He gave her hand a comforting squeeze as they entered the fair. Shawn didn’t let her go, and they went around trying some of the food that was on offer, and then playing some more games.
Poppy was as bad at throwing balls as she was at firing guns.
“Will you stop laughing at me? It’s not fair. Just because you can kill things with guns and be all manly. Some of us have other skills, and we use them well.”
He pulled her close, kissing her neck. “You have so many other skills.”
“Shawn Smith, has your mind gone to the gutter?”
“Nope. It’s not had any time to yet, has it?”
She turned in his arms, wrapping hers around his neck. “No, we’ve not had time, but that will change tonight.”
“Are you happy, Poppy?”
“More than happy, Shawn. I’ve … erm … this was what I’ve been wanting, but I was afraid to say anything.”
“You can talk to me about anything and everything.” He pushed some of her hair off her shoulder, trailing his fingers down her back. Her nipples grew tight as they pressed against the front of her dress.
His brothers were around the fair, having fun. “Are you ready to head home?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m ready to go home with you.”
They had stayed for another hour, and as he made his way to his truck, he noticed something wasn’t right.
“Is your truck door open?” she asked.
“I didn’t lock it.” When he got to the side of the door, he saw the bear that he’d won for Poppy had been torn to shreds. Stuffing was all over the ground, and the head had been taken off, and was on the windowsill of his truck.
Casey and Parker were already heading toward him.
“Wow, who would do something like that?” Poppy asked. She picked up the stuffing and stood.
“Do we report this to the sheriff?” Shawn asked.
“And say what? Someone has attacked and killed a stuffed bear?” Poppy asked. He saw tears in her eyes, and he wanted to hurt whoever had done this shit to his woman. “This is nothing. Honestly.” She picked up the destroyed bear and climbed into the truck. “Let’s go home, Shawn.”
He closed the door and turned to Casey.
“I’ll let the sheriff know that there was an attack on a stuffed animal. I don’t think he’d want to know the details. It really could have been a bunch of kids,” Casey said.
“Yeah, then why do you look worried?”
“Because now it really could be anyone, and there’s no security here, Shawn. Keep an eye on Poppy. I saw her hugging that thing as you came to put it in the car.”
“You think this is about her?” Shawn asked.
“I don’t know. I’m not prepared to take any chances though.”
Chapter Eight
A couple of days later
Poppy finished the last stitch on the bear and stepped back from her handiwork. After years of having to fix tears and buttons, her mother had taught her a thing or two. There was no way she was ever throwing out the bear. It had been a sweet gift from her men. She smiled as she saw the head was tilted to one side.
It wasn’t perfect by any means, but it would do. She was happy with it. She’d kept all of the stuffing and fixed every single cut.
“Good as new,” Shawn said, entering the kitchen. He was sweaty from the last of the summer heat.
“I think so. He’s a little damaged, but he’s going to last longer than any of us.” She held up the bear’s head, and as soon as she let go, it tilted again. “I was never really that good at stitching anyway.”
“It looks good to me.”
She stepped away from the bear, moving toward him. “What’s going on?”
“I wanted to come and say hi to my woman. I can do that now, you know?”
“Ah, I do know.”
“Just like I can do this.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, and she closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his mouth on hers.