Page 24 of Forgiven but Not Forgotten?
Andreas arched a brow. His voice was deceptively mild. ‘No?’
Siena shook her head, and then words were tumbling out. ‘Look, you can’t just expect that I’m going to—’
But her words were stopped mid-flow when Andreas reached across almost lazily and took her by the waist. He slid her along the seat until their thighs were touching. His hands felt huge around her and her eyes were locked with his. The air around them felt heavy and dense, thick with something Siena didn’t really understand.
But when Andreas raised his hands up her body, brushing against the curves of her breasts, and slanted his mouth across hers Siena understood what it was. It was desire, and suddenly she was alive with it. Humming all over. It thickened her blood, forcing it through veins and arteries, pooling low in her pelvis, between her legs.
Her hands had been up, almost in a gesture of self-defence, but now Siena found herself putting them on Andreas’s chest, to balance herself when he tugged her forward so that she half lay across him. She couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t think beyond the hot slide of his mouth against hers, and her mouth opened of its own volition under his.
Their tongues touched and Siena’s hands curled into his shirt, bunching it unconsciously, seeking something to hold onto when she felt as if she were falling down and down.
One of Andreas’s hands went down to her back and pulled her into him, making her arch against him. She was dimly aware that his other hand had moved up, was undoing her hair so that it fell around her shoulders, sensitising nerve-ends that were already tingling.
The kiss grew hotter. Andreas’s tongue stabbed deep. His hand was tangled in her hair now, and he pulled back gently so that he could claim even more access. Siena couldn’t hear anything through the blood roaring in her head and ears. When Andreas’s mouth left hers she heard a low moan and only seconds later realized it was coming from her.
By then his mouth was trailing hot kisses across her jaw and he was pulling her head back even more, to press his mouth against her throat and down to where she could feel her pulse beat against his tongue.
Siena had the barest sensation of her dress feeling looser before she realised that Andreas had pulled the zip down at the back. He lifted his head and leant back for a moment. Siena tried to force some air into her lungs, but they seized again when she felt him pull down the bodice of her dress to reveal one naked breast.
They were in a cocoon. Siena wasn’t even aware of the city streets and lights as they glided through London. They could have been transported to another planet. She was only aware of herself as some very primal feminine being, and of Andreas as her masculine counterpart.
She saw Andreas’s head dip down, felt his hot breath feather over an almost painfully tight nipple before his mouth closed around it. Siena sank back against the seat, every bone in her body melting at the exquisite tugging sensation th
at seemed to connect directly to where a pulse throbbed between her legs.
As if reading her mind, Andreas moved his hand under her dress and up her legs, pushing them apart. She was helpless to resist as he expertly pulled down the bodice of her dress completely and bared her other breast, to which he administered the same torture.
Everything was coalescing within Siena, building to some elusive crescendo of tension. Her hips were rolling and one of her hands was in Andreas’s hair, fingers tangling in silken strands as she held him to her breast. Her other hand was clenched tight, and an ache of gigantic proportions was growing between her thighs.
Andreas’s long fingers had found her panties and he was tugging them down over her hips. Siena was mindless, wanting Andreas to alleviate this exquisite tension inside her. Her hips lifted and he slid the black lace down her legs, over her feet in their vertiginous heels and off completely.
And then Andreas’s mouth left her breast and he straightened up. It took a second for Siena to register that he was just looking at her. Her breasts were bared and throbbing slightly, wet from his mouth and heaving with her laboured breath. Her dress was hiked up almost to her waist and her legs were parted. She saw her flimsy lace panties dangle from his fingers, and then he put them in the pocket of his jacket.
Siena’s tongue felt thick. ‘What are you doing?’
It was only then that she realised how pristine Andreas looked in his jacket and tie, barely a hair out of place. Far too belatedly she scrabbled with numb hands to pull her dress up over her breasts and down over her thighs.
‘I’m making sure there’s no delay once we get inside.’
Inside. It was only then that Siena became aware that they were outside his apartment building and the young valet was approaching the door of the car. Siena felt Andreas push her forward slightly, the brush of his fingers against her back as he pulled her zip up. Then he was handing her her wrap and the door was opened.
By the time she was out in the cool air she was incandescent with rage—not only at Andreas, but at herself for being so weak. When Andreas touched her back to guide her into the building she jerked away from him. She all but ran to the door and yanked it open before he could open it for her, making straight for the lift, punching the button with unnecessary force. Andreas was a tall dark presence beside her which she ignored.
When they stepped into the lift Siena moved to one corner and resolutely looked forward. To her absolute horror she could feel heat prickling at the backs of her eyes and her throat tightening. She willed down the emotion which had sprung up with every fibre of her being and swept out of the lift when the doors opened.
When Andreas joined her and opened the apartment door he had barely shut it behind him when she rounded on him, hands curled into fists.
‘How dare you?’
Andreas looked so cool and composed and Siena was completely undone. Her hair was around her shoulders and she’d never felt more vulnerable.
‘How dare I what, Siena? Kiss you?’ His mouth twisted. ‘How could I not have kissed you? Don’t you know by now that I have a fatal attraction to your unique brand of remote aloofness?’
Siena could have laughed out loud. She’d never felt less remote or aloof. Right then she hated Andreas with a passion that scared her with its intensity.
She couldn’t stop the words tumbling out. ‘I hate you.’
‘Be careful, Siena,’ he mocked, ‘Love is just the other side of hate, and we wouldn’t want you falling for me, now, would we?’