Page 24 of When Christakos Meets His Match (Blood Brothers 2)
Sidonie looked into those gorgeous exotic eyes and searched for some hint of insincerity. She couldn’t see it. She could see something, though—something unguarded for a moment, as if he was surprised by what he’d said. She was afraid of the tug of emotion in the pit of her being.
Suddenly Sidonie was aware of thinking too much again, and she put her hand up to touch his jaw, reached up to kiss him. All she knew was that she wanted him too—more than anything she’d ever experienced.
When he drew her into his body so that they were touching length to length a wave of intense desire washed through her, brushing aside any doubts and questions. She wanted Alexio to slide into her right then, couldn’t bear the thought of the drawn-out torture he’d promised to inflict, and as if reading her mind—again—he stopped and pulled back for a moment.
His voice was guttural. ‘I don’t think I can wait—as much as I want to...’
Sidonie moved so that his leg slid between hers. She could feel how wet she was, ready for him, and she moved against his thigh. His eyes flared.
‘I don’t want you to wait... I need you too.’
It was a primal, urgent request. Alexio reached behind him to a small cabinet by the bed and took something out. Sidonie realised what it was when he ripped open the foil packet and stroked the condom onto his thick length.
Pressing her down, Alexio came over her, pushing her legs apart. He reached between them and touched her with his fingers, stroking her, entering her. She bent her knees on either side of him and had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from begging him to go on.
And then he took his hand away and he was guiding the thickness of his erection to her soft folds, pushing in gently, stretching her. Pushing deeper. He was awe-inspiring as he loomed over her. Shoulders broad and powerful, chest sheened with sweat. He pushed her knees further apart, baring her to him completely. Demanding she open up to him.
Something was happening inside Sidonie—some awakening. She’d had sex before, but this felt different. Infinitely different. Slowly, inch by torturous inch, Alexio slid into her, giving her time to adapt and take him, his eyes never leaving hers. She saw sweat break out on his brow, felt the tension in his big body.
‘Moro’re so tight...’
Instinctively Sidonie tilted her hips, forcing Alexio to thrust deeper, and the movement made her gasp. He filled her now completely.
‘Are you okay?’ he asked.
Sidonie was speechless. But she nodded. She was okay. More than okay. She felt whole, joined to him like this. She moved her hips again experimentally and Alexio drew out a little. Her body clasped at him as he went, already relishing the moment when he would slide back in again, seeking for that delicious friction.
With slow, deliberate thrusts Alexio moved in and out, and the storm grew again inside Sidonie, increasing in its strength and power. With every move of Alexio’s body within hers something tightened inside her. He thrust a little harder and Sidonie welcomed it, feeling it burn but not noticing because she ached for it too much.
The tempo changed, became more desperate. Sidonie was aware of small sounds coming from her mouth—moans and laboured breathing, incoherent words. Alexio’s body moved faster within hers now, gathering pace. He came closer, hands cupping her face, tangling in her hair, as his mouth met hers and his body thrust powerfully over and over again.
His tongue stabbed deep and she stroked him fiercely, teeth nipping, holding him to her with a desperation as they raced together, hearts thumping in unison.
Sidonie’s arms were around his neck, her breasts pressed flat against his chest. She wrapped her legs around his hips. The crescendo was building, leaving her no control over anything. She was part of something huge, magical. Their mouths clung, their kisses became more desperate, biting, and then, just when she thought her body would break in two with the building tension, it broke apart into a million tiny pieces on a wave of orgasmic pleasure, robbing Sidonie of every rational thought. She was flung high into a place she’d never dreamed existed.
Alexio’s powerful body thrust one more time and he broke free of their kiss and shouted out as his release swept him up too, seconds behind her.
Sidonie realised she was trembling in the aftermath and was horrified. She tried to pull away from Alexio but he only dragged her closer, wrapping his arms around her until the tremors ceased. She felt more than a little overwhelmed. Alexio pulled his head back and looked at her. She was almost afraid to look at h
im—afraid he might see something she wasn’t ready to expose yet.
Reluctantly she looked at him and his eyes were molten, still. It had an instant effect on her body. Already. She felt ashamed. How could she want him again so soon?
He was frowning now, pulling away from her, and she tried not to be acutely aware of her nakedness, of feeling vulnerable.
He rested on one elbow. ‘Did I hurt you? You weren’t innocent?’
Sidonie came up on one elbow too. She shook her head, her hair falling forward. Alexio brushed it back and something about that small gesture heartened her. ‘No,’ she admitted huskily. ‘I’ve been with a couple of guys. In college. was never like that...I didn’t...’
She stopped and went puce, looked down at the sheet. Predictably Alexio tipped her chin up again, not letting her escape.
‘You didn’t...what? Come like that?’
Sidonie shook her head, mortified to be talking about this when she imagined that his usual post-coital repartee must be far more sophisticated. Still, she was stuck now.
‘No,’ she got out. ‘I mean, I’ve...come...before, but not during sex. Not with a guy.’