Page 21 of When Christakos Meets His Match (Blood Brothers 2)
Sidonie affected an air of piety. ‘To go to bed with a good book, of course.’
His eyes flashed. ‘And if I win...and I ask you nicely to come to bed with me...?’
Sidonie shrugged minutely. ‘Then I guess I’ll have to suffer the consequences.’ She straightened up and dropped her arms. ‘But you won’t win, so maybe I should just leave now...’
She made to walk off and like lightning Alexio grabbed her hand and hauled her into him. Sidonie gasped. His body was hard all over, pressed against hers. Her legs promptly turned to jelly.
‘Not so fast.’ His voice was low, seductive. ‘I believe you challenged me to a game, and in light of the fact that I’m doomed to failure I’d like to raise the stakes a little... For every shot lost, we also lose a piece of clothing.’
Sidonie’s blood rushed to her every erogenous zone at the thought of seeing Alexio bared. ‘There’s no such game,’ she said breathlessly as Alexio pulled her in the direction of the bar and games room.
‘There is now, sweetheart.’
Alexio let Sidonie go when they got into the darkened room. After he had poured them both drinks—a liqueur for her and a whisky for him—he took out two cues and handed her one. Sidonie made a big show of chalking it up while Alexio put out the balls.
When they were laid out he flourished an arm. ‘Please, ladies first.’
Sidonie moved around the table, deliciously aware of Alexio’s eyes on her, and yet still a little terrified. She wasn’t sure what demon had made her come up with this idea—as if she thought she could make it look as if her decision wasn’t fuelled with the desperate need she really felt. As if she played these kinds of games with men all the time.
Eventually she settled on a point to start and positioned herself, drawing back the cue. She was on the opposite side of the room to Alexio and he sat with his hip was hitched against a stool, his legs long, thighs powerful underneath the denim. Distracting her already.
‘Take as long as you like,’ he said, in a patronising tone which enflamed Sido
nie enough for her to scatter the balls masterfully, potting her first one.
She stood up and smiled. ‘You were saying...?’
Alexio scowled. ‘Beginner’s luck.’
Sidonie walked around the table again, aware of the tension in the small room thickening. As she took her next shot she realised too late that her palms were sweaty and the cue slipped slightly, throwing her off and making her lose her aim. She missed.
Alexio tsked and stood up. Sidonie’s heart thumped hard. For every shot lost, we also lose a piece of clothing. Alexio smiled and it was the smile of the devil.
‘I don’t mind what goes, but I’d suggest your T-shirt or your trousers.’
Now Sidonie scowled. She’d thought she’d have a little more time. She’d also thought she’d have him almost naked before her, giving her time to get used to it. Then she thought of something and smiled sweetly, executing a nimble move so that she undid her bra, pulled its strap down one arm and then pulled it out neatly from the armhole of her T-shirt. An old boarding school trick.
Alexio’s face darkened ominously. ‘That’s cheating.’
Sidonie grinned. ‘Not at all. I took your suggestion on board and ignored it.’
She tossed her bright pink bra onto the seat beside her and saw Alexio’s eyes follow the movement and then come back to linger on her braless chest. Her breasts felt tight and heavy, their tips pushing against the cotton of her top. Alexio’s cheeks flushed and it had a direct effect on the pulse in her groin.
Slowly he put down his drink and stood up. Sidonie crossed her arms and then quickly thought better of it when Alexio’s eyes widened and she realised she was only making things worse.
He took his eyes off her with visible effort. Despite all their play, Sidonie’s blood was infused with a heady feminine energy at having this man look at her with such naked desire. But she got distracted when he came close and bent over the pool table right in front of her, and her eye was drawn helplessly to his taut, muscular buttocks.
She couldn’t see exactly what he was doing, but he’d hit the ball and nothing was pocketed.
He turned around and said, ‘Whoops...’ and started undoing his shirt.
Sidonie’s mouth went dry at seeing his torso revealed bit by bit. And when he shrugged the shirt off completely she went weak at the knees.
He was stunning. Beautifully muscled. Not an ounce of fat. Broad and powerful. Very masculine whorls of hair dusted his chest, leading down to that tantalising line which disappeared into his jeans. They clung precariously to his hips and Sidonie had to clench her hands to fists to stop herself reaching out to undo that top button. She gulped when she saw the bulge pushing insistently against the denim.
His rough voice cut through the heat in her brain. ‘Your turn, I think.’
He turned to walk away and Sidonie felt as if someone had just hit her. His back was as beautiful as his front. Wide and smooth. He turned around at the bar and leant on it nonchalantly, arched a brow.