Page 39 of Secrets of the Oasis
A lump tightened Jamilah’s throat again. ‘I can’t believe you remember that moment.’
He looked at her and her heart beat unevenly. ‘I’ve never forgotten it. And the truth is, despite my stubbornness, even if I hadn’t seen you again at the Sultan’s party I would have found some way back to you…don’t you see? I’ve been making my way back to you all along…’
Jamilah felt fresh tears welling. ‘Don’t, Salman— please don’t say these things…if you’re just saying this to persuade me back into your bed…’
He gripped her hand. ‘I want so much more than that, Jamilah…I don’t have any defences left where you’re concerned. I flew to France from Africa, and a doctor confirmed that the vasectomy didn’t work…he asked me if I wanted to do it again.’
Jamilah held her breath, her tears clearing. ‘What did you say?’
He looked at her so intently she felt dizzy.
‘I told him I’d have to think about it, and discuss it with someone.’
Jamilah shook her head, and tried to stifle the flame of hope burning in her heart. ‘But what do I have to do with it?’
Salman quirked a smile. ‘Everything. Because there’s no other woman on the planet I would contemplate having children with—only you.’
‘What are you saying?’ Jamilah wasn’t even sure she’d got the words out, and somehow Salman was even closer, both her hands in his now.
‘I’m saying that I’ve finally got it through my thick skull that I love you. I think I’ve always loved you. I can’t live without you.’ His smile faded then, and he looked more serious than she’d ever seen him. ‘But with everything that’s happened between us I won’t be surprised if you don’t want anything to do with me.’ He took a breath. ‘But…if you could give me a second chance…I vow to spend my life making you happy, showing you how much I love you and need you… You’re the only one who can possibly redeem my soul…’
Salman let her go and reached down to take something out of his jeans pocket. It was a small velvet box, and he brought it up and opened it. Jamilah looked down to see a gloriously simple sapphire ring twinkling up at her.
‘Jamilah, you would do me the greatest honour in the world if you would be my wife.’
For a second she couldn’t breathe. She looked at Salman, and then reached out to touch his face with a shaking hand.
‘This is a dream. You’re not real.’
He grimaced slightly. ‘I am real, and very flawed—as you well know… But you’re the only one who has the power to make me even half-human again. Even though I know that I don’t deserve this…you.’
Jamilah finally took a chance that this was real, and stepped into the unknown. She put aside the ring and took Salman’s hand. She placed it over her still flat belly and said, with a quiver in her voice, ‘You deserve it all. We both do. And it’s already started… A new life is growing in my belly—a tiny part of me and you…proof that there is a future for us.’
Salman looked awed, shocked. His hand tightened on her belly. ‘But…how? I mean…when?’
Jamilah shrugged and smiled tremulously. ‘Who knows? When we were careless that time in Paris?’
For a moment Jamilah saw joy and wonder mixed with fear and trepidation in Salman’s eyes, and brought his hand to her mouth to kiss it. Her heart ached, and she said with husky remorse, ‘I didn’t mean what I said that day at the oasis, about you being a terrible father, and my not wanting the baby. Losing the baby devastated me, and I always feared I wouldn’t have another chance. I think you would be the best father in the world… I was angry and I took it out on you.’
Salman groaned softly. ‘I deserved it—and so much more. But perhaps this really is our second chance.’
Jamilah sat up straight and took Salman’s face in her hands. ‘You’ve paid enough dues to last a lifetime, my love. You have just as much a right to happiness as the next man—more. You’ve done your best to heal your own wounds and have helped countless others to heal theirs. Don’t you think it’s your turn now?’
Salman looked tortured for a moment. ‘But I hurt you so badly—the one person I should never have hurt.’
Fervently Jamilah declared, ‘It was worth it, Salman. Every heartbreaking second was worth it if it’s brought us here now.’
‘Where is here?’
Jamilah could have cried at the doubt still lingering in his eyes. ‘It’s brought me to you, my darling. I love you, Salman. I always have and I always will. You and our baby. All I want is to spend the rest of my life being happy and in love. And, yes, I’ll marry you…’
He kissed her long and deeply until she moved against him, seeking more intimate contact. Then he pulled back for a moment and declared softly, ‘I vow to spend the rest of my life loving you and trying to be a good father to our child and, God willing, to any more children we may have…’
Jamilah put a tender hand on his jaw and said with quiet conviction, ‘You will be a good father, Salman. Don’t doubt it for a second.’