Page 30 of The Innocent Behind the Scandal (The Marchetti Dynasty 2)
‘Originally St Petersburg, but she moved to Moscow with her father after her mother died and he remarried.’
Zoe thought
of the pictures she’d seen. ‘She is very beautiful.’
Maks’s face became impassive. ‘Her whole life revolves around her looks. They’re as much of a currency to her as money is.’
‘Your sister is beautiful too.’
Maks’s gaze narrowed on Zoe. ‘You noticed that she hides it away?’
Zoe nodded.
Maks’s mouth twisted. ‘Our mother couldn’t handle having a beautiful daughter who might eclipse her, so she did her best to undermine Sasha’s confidence. It’s probably the worst thing she’s done.’
Zoe felt that tug of empathy for his sister again. ‘Maybe she’ll surprise you and come out of the shadows when she’s ready.’
Maks looked at her and his eyes saw far too much. He said, ‘Maybe she will.’ And they both knew he wasn’t talking about his sister.
ZOE WALKED THROUGH the series of palatial rooms that made up her suite at the Grand Central St Petersburg Hotel, right in the centre of the city. As soon as they’d arrived at the hotel, to an effusive welcome from the manager, it had become clear that she would have her own suite. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but she was ashamed to admit that she’d been feeling slightly trepidatious that Maks would have booked them into the same room.
They were in adjoining suites, though. So, while she had her own space, she was very conscious that a mere door separated them.
The drive from the airport to the hotel had taken them past some of the city’s stupendously beautiful domed cathedrals and palaces. Zoe itched to explore, and see the city through the lens of her camera, which she’d brought with her. But for now she was enthralled by the vast suite, and if hers was this impressive she could only imagine what Maks’s must be like.
She found the bathroom, laid out in cool marble and gold furnishings that should have looked tacky but didn’t. And beside the bathroom there was a dressing room. The rails and drawers were empty and her small suitcase looked a bit pathetic. It highlighted how out of her depth she was in this situation. She had no idea how to play the part of a rich man’s...companion.
She giggled at that, and her giggle had a tinge of hysteria. Companion sounded so Victorian, when the feelings Maks inspired within her were anything but Victorian.
The suite’s doorbell chimed at that moment, low and melodic. Zoe sobered up again. She made her way back to the main door and opened it. Maks was on the other side, leaning against the doorframe with an insouciance that came from being born into this world. She couldn’t control the wild rush of her blood to see him again. She was as pathetic as her little suitcase.
‘How do you like your rooms?’
Zoe feigned a nonchalance she was far from feeling. ‘Oh, you know... I think they’re adequate for my needs.’ Who was she kidding? She could fit her entire flat into the suite about ten times.
Maks smiled, not fooled for a second. ‘Good. Let me know if you need anything more than...adequate.’
Zoe looked at him suspiciously, expecting to see a smirk around his mouth, but his expression was innocent.
Then he glanced at his watch, and back to her. ‘I’ve been invited to a couple of social events while I’m here. I’d like you to join me.’
Trepidation rushed back. ‘What kind of events?’
‘No need to look so wary. They’re nice things. I’ve been invited to the gala opening night of the St Petersburg Ballet Company. They’re performing Swan Lake tonight. At the Mariinsky Theatre—one of Russia’s finest.’
As a child, Zoe had been obsessed with ballet and, the Christmas before they’d died, her parents had taken her to a performance of The Nutcracker. She hadn’t been to a ballet performance since then, and every instinct screamed at her to say no, to curl up somewhere and avoid the painful memories.
But something else inside her—something new—resisted the urge to protect. To avoid. She was a grown woman now. She could handle a ballet performance, surely?
She shrugged. ‘Okay...sure.’
Maks slanted her a dry look. ‘Your enthusiasm is bowling me over here, Zoe.’
She blushed. ‘No... I mean, that would be lovely.’
He didn’t know the demons in her past. In her head. But then she thought of something else, something far scarier.