Page 61 of Redeemed By His Stolen Bride (Rival Spanish Brothers 2)
After the small group of visitors had dispersed and left, she faced him reluctantly. ‘Did you get the papers?’
‘Yes. Can we talk somewhere private?’
She could see he was angry. Leonora led him into one of the reception rooms and he closed the door behind them.
She moved away from him and folded her arms. ‘I don’t know why you’re here. We’ve discussed divorcing.’
He came into the room, pacing fast. ‘No,’ he said, ‘Actually we didn’t discuss it. You brought it up, I asked if you wanted a divorce, and you said you thought it was the best option. I then said we’d discuss it at a later date. Sending me papers is not a discussion, Leo.’
‘I left you a note. I thought that made it pretty clear where I stood. I didn’t hear from you.’
He arched a brow. ‘Oh, so you’re taking that as a signal of my acquiescence? I was giving
you space, Leo. Space to think things over. Clearly that was a mistake.’
Leonora’s heart thumped. It was heaven and hell to see him again. ‘Okay, well here’s the discussion—I want a divorce.’
‘I don’t.’
Leonora looked at him. ‘That’s crazy. We both know that I can’t have children and you need heirs.’
‘There are options. IVF. Adoption.’
Leonora turned around to face the window, afraid of her emotions. Damn him. Ever since she’d slept with him they’d been impossible to close off.
‘I already told you—they’re not viable options.’
‘I thought you were better than this, Leo.’
She whirled around, hurt. ‘I’m just not—’
He cut in. ‘Willing to give us a chance?’
‘It’s not that.’
‘What is it, then? I know IVF is a hard process, Leo, but I know you’re strong. And I’d be with you every step of the way.’ He continued. ‘Did our vows mean nothing to you? For better or worse? In sickness and in health?’
Leonora could feel her blood draining south. ‘That’s not fair.’
‘Isn’t it?’ He moved closer. ‘Why don’t you want to try, Leo?’
‘It’s not that I don’t want to...’
‘Then why? Are you just looking for an excuse to get out? Now that your family are provided for?’
She was horrified. ‘No.’
He was a lot closer than she’d realised. His scent wound around her and she fought against his pull. She stepped back. She had to be strong. Gabriel was just doing what he always did—not taking no for answer. Refusing to see Leonora’s infertility as something that couldn’t be surmounted.
‘No, Gabriel—just no. Can’t you understand that one little word?’
He was grim. ‘I can understand it. What I can’t understand is why my wife doesn’t think our marriage is worth fighting for.’
He turned away as if to leave and his expression was so stony that Leonora couldn’t bear it.
She said brokenly, to his departing back, ‘I would fight for it. I would do everything in my power to give us a family if I thought for one second that you loved me. But I won’t put us through a process that might never work for anything less than love. You deserve a family, Gabriel, and you can have that with another wife. Just not with me. I wouldn’t survive it. If it worked we’d have a family, yes, but I don’t want to bring a child into the world just to act as the glue in our marriage. And if it didn’t work you’d resent me—’ She broke off and turned away, trying to stem the sobs working their way up her chest and into her throat.