Page 19 of DILF
She wanted more, so much more, in fact.
But she felt that this wasn’t just fucking to him. The way he looked at her, touched her, spoke to her told her he felt more than a passing emotion for her. Even if things were—are—said in the heat of the moment, she needed to talk to him to really make sure where they stood. She couldn’t just let this go, and she wouldn’t allow herself to get swept up in the desires and emotions that sex conjured.
She loved David, and he needed to know. Lisabeth needed to know if he felt the same.
And then there was the issue of Rachel and how exactly that would all go down. Truth was, after her coming home and almost catching them, Lisabeth knew she needed to be honest with her friend. Even if it came to light that David didn’t love Lisabeth, she still wanted to tell Rachel how she felt. Her best friend deserved to know the truth.
She focused on the paperwork in front of her. She had to input it into the computer system so all the partners at the company could access it, but her mind was so wrapped up in her personal life she couldn’t focus. Exhaling, she ran her hands through her hair, knowing that when she finally did speak with David her heart would be on her sleeve.
Glancing at the clock on the wall across, she knew David had a lunch break right about now. Maybe she should have waited until he was not at work. It certainly wouldn’t have been the more professional thing to do, but truth was she couldn’t think straight until this was resolved.
Standing, she braced her hands on the table to steady herself. She was nervous, scared shitless to be honest. The fact she was going to spring this on David was nerve-wracking, but necessary.
She made her way toward his office. The door was closed, and so she gave three light knocks on the wood.
“Come in,” he said in a booming voice.
She pushed the door open and saw him seated behind his desk. He had the bagged lunch that had been ordered an hour ago still sitting wrapped up beside him. His computer was on, and a stack of paperwork was scattered around his desk. Lisabeth contemplated doing this another time, especially given the fact he looked stressed as hell. His hair was slightly mussed, as if he’d been running his fingers through it, and he had his suit jacket off, the sleeve of his button-up shirt rolled up his forearms. Although he looked sexy, bringing this up right now probably wasn’t the best thing.
She was about to excuse herself and leave him alone, but he lifted his head and looked at her. His expression changed from strained to relaxed, and he smiled.
“Hey,” he said and straightened in his chair. “Come in.”
She swallowed and stepped inside, shutting the door behind her in the process.
For long moments they didn’t say anything, just stared at each other. She thought about their night together, how he’d made her come too many times to count. He’d made her weak in the knees, soft in the heart. When it came to David he was her world.
And she wanted to know if it was the same for him.
“I wanted to talk to you,” she said softly, knowing she couldn’t beat around the bush, that she wouldn’t prolong this.
He stood and made his way around the desk, leaning against it and looking at her. “You okay?” he asked, the worry in his voice coming through.
Looking down at her hands, which she twisted together in front of her, she took a long, steadying breath, and just told herself to do it. “David, I wanted to talk to you about…” She swallowed and closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them she lifted her head and stared at him. “I wanted to talk to you about what’s going on between you and me.”
“What’s going on between you and me?” He repeated her question.
“We were supposed to talk about us the other day, but things didn’t go exactly to plan.” She felt her cheeks heat at the images that slammed into her head, ones of what they did, how he played her body like an expert until she’d begged him to stop because she was far too sensitive. “I want to know where we stand.” She stared him right in the eyes, wanting David to know how much this meant to her, how she couldn’t just postpone it anymore.
For her own sanity she needed to bring this up. Lisabeth needed to know the truth.
“I want to know what this”—she waved her hand between them—“What is this between us?” He throat was thick, her heart racing. She felt her pulse pounding almost violently at the base of her throat.