Page 12 of Hotter (Bad Boys of Texas 4)
“If you stop this time, I’m going to kill you,” she breathes against my mouth. A smile comes over me. My woman is wound tight. Laney is out of her fucking mind if she thinks I’ll stop.
“You won’t kill me. If you did, who’d make you feel this good, sugar?” Our lips leave one another’s. I’m looking down at her, still not stopping the pistoning of my hips or how I swivel them once my pelvis meets the top of her mound. The tightening of her cunt around my cock almost has me stopping, but that’s not happening. There’s no better sound than Laney whispering my name as she comes with me inside her. Fuck, it’s always Laney. No matter what happens between us, no matter the distance, there’s nothing stopping us from being with one another.
“Creed.” I watch as her head tips back. Laney cups her breasts, using her thumbs and pointer fingers, pulling on them, and it causes her to clench my cock even tighter, pulling me under right along with her.
“Laney.” My own moan echoes hers. She’s sucking me dry, taking my cum, and I pray to God that we’re creating a life. Even though I know we’ll still have hurdles to jump through along the way. Laney Spencer is meant for me, now and forever.
“God, I missed you,” she whispers into my ear, making me feel the pain I put her through, with no one to blame but myself. Sure, I was under contract, but I could have begged and pleaded to get out of it. It would have made finding a job difficult later on, and that I know Laney would be pissed about.
“I missed you, sugar. More than you can fucking believe. Going to make you my wife, have a family with you, the whole damn deal. And I’m not ever leaving you again.” I need her to know this even if I’ve stated all of it before.
“I love you, Creed, even if we’ve both made a mess of things. I can’t wait to see what our future holds.” Fuck, this woman, she humbles me.
“Damn, sugar. I’m not worthy of your love, but I’m taking it and loving you every day of our lives, forever.” My lips meet hers, giving her a soft kiss, the intake of her breath sharper than ever. Yet it tells me we’re on the exact same page, that our mistakes won’t define us. This is our beginning.
“Well, look what that cat dragged in.” That’s how I’m greeted a few days later. Creed and I have been inseparable unless we’re working. Which, lets face it, we both work long days, but our nights are solely for us. And given that I still live with my parents, that means it more often than not happens at his house, or we camp out in the back of his truck, blankets and pillows stacked every which way. And after we make love, we’d both be worn out. Creed’s from working at the power company, restoring power in surrounding areas or the hardening project and transferring of transmission lines. There’s a lot that entails, some of which I understand and some that I don’t. It never fails though, he makes sure Rhett and I have everything taken care of anytime he gets off work at a reasonable time. We even have Randall here permanently, which helps tremendously, and now that Rhett isn’t being super dick, he’s managed to hire a few hands. So far, he hasn’t run them off. The word is still out on that since it’s only been a couple of days.
“Good morning, Momma. Is everything okay?” I’m coming home from a night at Creed’s place, trying to get here early to change, eat breakfast and then get into the office at the barn. Now that we have more help, I’m able to do what I love the most, which is work on the books, the website, and selling our thoroughbreds. I’m a bit of a nerd, and I’m okay with that. I think that’s why I was so annoyed when shit went south. Of course, I love the horses, but that’s not my true passion, it’s more of a hobby.
“Of course, can’t a woman wake up early to spend time with her baby girl since she’s at work before the rooster crows and is leaving as soon as everything’s done?” She makes it a joke, and I know she’s not upset, but it also stops me in my tracks because she’s right. We haven’t seen much of each other.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been slacking on visiting you and Daddy.” I sit down at the kitchen table, wearing Creed’s clothes after he tore my shirt off me last night in the heat of the moment.
“You don’t need to apologize. It’s about time you started living. You’re working, doing what you love, and with the man you love, finally.” She harrumphs that last part. Apparently, everyone knew Creed and I would be together one day, well, besides Creed himself.