Page 9 of Partner in Crime (Forbidden Fantasies 27)
Bruce sucks in a sharp breath when I open the door, and his lips spread into a hungry smile that promises to devour me whole. Since I’ve only seen him at work, I’ve only seen him in suits before, but he looks great dressed casually too. He’s wearing a black button-down shirt that must be custom tailored to his body, because I can almost see his six-pack hiding behind the fabric. He’s paired it with dark wash jeans that hang just so off his hips, emphasizing those long legs and the enormous package underneath. If Bruce in a suit is hot, then this Bruce is pure sex.
“Wow,” he growls, his eyes running up and down my curvy body. “You look amazing.”
I do a little twirl and fluff out my hair.
“You don’t think this dress is too over the top?”
He shakes his head slowly, trailing his eyes up and down the length of my body. I can feel the heat of his gaze searing me, and I have to grab onto the door frame to keep myself from wobbling in my heels.
“No,” the handsome businessman rasps. “It’s perfect. Everyone is going to want to take you home tonight, but I’m the lucky bastard who will be unwrapping your curves for my own pleasure.”
Heat rushes to my face and I cover my cheeks with my hands. But then, Bruce reaches for me and gently removes my palms, linking his fingers with me. “Don’t hide, sweetheart, because you’re sexy when you blush. Hopefully I can keep finding new ways to keep that pink on your cheeks tonight.”
I laugh. “It won’t be hard. Pretty much everything you do makes me want to blush,” I confess in a whisper.
He leans in close and growls against my ear. “You haven’t seen anything yet, baby girl.” Then, the handsome man presses a soft kiss to my neck just beneath my ear and my body quivers under his touch. “Now, what do you say we get out of here and show your asshole ex just what he’s missing?”
I nod and smile happily. “Yes. Let’s go.”
As soon as we step outside my apartment building, I stop in my tracks because there’s a limousine waiting at the curb, and it looks like a black swan in contrast to the other run-down cars in the area, with their peeling paint and deflated tires. To be honest, my apartment complex is okay, but not great. It’s a brick building that’s well maintained, and management even keeps a small lawn out front to make things look homey. But no one here is making the kind of money that affords new vehicles, and this is definitely the first time a limo has ever graced our neighborhood.
Meanwhile, a man in a chauffeur’s cap opens the back door of the limo with a flourish, and Bruce helps me get in so I don’t flash the unsuspecting driver. I gasp upon settling onto the buttery leather seats because it’s utterly decadent inside. There’s a small, sleek fridge, and a built-in table with a bottle of champagne chilling on ice. Soft music fills my ears even as the door slams behind us. Bruce seems to know what he’s doing because he pulls a couple crystal glasses from a hidden cabinet beneath the table and pours us glasses of champagne.
“A toast,” he growls with a gleam in those blue eyes. “To a very pleasurable night.”
I laugh. “Yes. I’m sure it will be, indeed.”
As I turn my glass up to take my first sip of champagne, Bruce leans in close and whispers, “You can bet your ass on it, pretty girl. I’ll have you screaming in no time.”
I turn to look at the dark man, but he merely smirks before taking a sip of his champagne. Then, I spend the rest of the limo ride with goosebumps, but I’m not cold. It’s the billionaire’s proximity that’s doing it, and as we hit the road, everything seems more real. This is really happening. I’m going to a club dressed in an outfit that’s not much bigger than a napkin, and Bruce Wilshire and I are going to make love in front of Carl and Cindy, not to mention anyone else who might be around. OMG, OMG. I’m nervous, but even more, I’m excited.
We arrive at Nostradamus about thirty minutes later. It’s a warehouse on the outskirts of Atlantic City, and the outside doesn’t look like much. It’s a large brick building and probably at least ten thousand square feet. The windows are all up high and most of them are coated in a layer of dirt and grime that’s so thick that the windows appear completely opaque. Scraggly bushes surround the parking lot, and a few of the lights are out, so that the area is cast in shadow.
Bruce gets out of the limo before holding out a hand for me. I manage to exit the vehicle relatively gracefully, and he shuts the door with a smile. “You ready for this?” he asks in a low voice.