Page 7 of Partner in Crime (Forbidden Fantasies 27)
I wink at her and adore the blush that immediately colors her cheeks. “No, it’s not that weird. Lots of things go on where our hotel guests can’t see. Besides, I’m glad I could help. It’s no trouble, and I’m up for another hug if you like,” I add deviously.
She giggles a bit but then grows serious.
“Actually, I’m really glad you emailed me, Bruce, because I have a favor to ask.”
My heart accelerates a bit, but I remain relaxed.
“Sure honey. Shoot. I’m all ears.”
Her mouth forms a straight line and she puts her drink down before sitting up and looking me directly in the eye. “I need your help, Mr. Wilshire.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Yes? What can I do?”
Jemima bites her lip, making her pout rosy and deletable. I want to seize her mouth for a kiss, but we’re in the middle of a public place during work hours. It would be totally unprofessional. But Jemima continues.
“Yesterday, I mentioned that my ex cheated on me, but I didn’t share the details.” She blows out a slow breath. “So first, my ex’s name is Carl, and he actually works at the Wilshire too. In fact, so does the girl he cheated on me with, Cindy. We’d gone out to the movies with a group of friends and basically … well, they both made excuses to get up in the middle of the movie to use the restroom. But they didn’t. You can guess what happened next.”
I quirk an eyebrow at her. “They went to get more popcorn?”
Jemima blushes, but doesn’t smile.
“No. They found a back row in the darkened theater and started having sex right there. And I mean, right there in the movie theater, in public, with me and my friends present. They weren’t exactly quiet either. Cindy had all her clothes off, and they were moaning and grunting like animals.”
My brow crinkles.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
She shakes her head.
“No, it really happened. It was at the Majesty Theater downtown.”
I whistle.
“Shit. Your ex sounds like a total tool.” A tool I’d like to teach some manners to, but I keep that to myself.
Jemima takes a deep breath. “He is. This wasn’t even close to the first sign Carl was an ass, it was just the most heinous of multiple incidents. Anyways, it kind of leads me to my next point because I want to get even. Carl doesn’t get to treat me this way and get away with it.”
Oh, I like her spunk. I grin.
“So what are you planning? You said he works here. Do you want me to fire him, or put up some professional obstacles? I could do it. It wouldn’t be a big deal.” Of course, acting this way isn’t exactly ethical, but if that’s what Jemima wants, it’s not out of the question.
But the buxom brunette shakes her head slowly.
“No,” she says. “I want my revenge to be more personal. You know, more of an eye for an eye type of thing.”
Now I’m really intrigued. I cock my head at her, one black eyebrow raised. “I see. So what do you have in mind?”
She takes a deep breath before meeting my gaze straight.
“I want to give Carl a taste of his own medicine. I want to do what he did to me, which is to have sex in front of him with another man. Only then will I feel that we’re back on even footing.” She pauses and looks away but only for a moment before turning back at me, those brown eyes unreadable. “Specifically, I want to have sex with you, Bruce, in public where Carl can see.”
My head swims because never in a million years did I think I’d get a proposal like this. Jemima wants me to claim her in front of her ex? Really? Of course, enjoying those curves wouldn’t put me out at all, it’s just the suddenness of this development. In fact, I have to adjust myself in my chair to relieve the strain of my growing erection behind the zipper of my slacks. Wow. I’ve got to admit, Jemima wins the trophy for originality.
Still, I don’t say anything right away, and the curvy brunette goes on, her voice intense. “I really think it’s the perfect revenge scheme, and if you’re into it, tonight would be ideal. I know this is sudden, but Carl and a few of our friends are going out to a warehouse party called Nostradamus tonight. Carol will be there, and I’m sure Cindy will too. To be clear, Nostradamus is famous for a certain level of depravity, so we wouldn’t have to worry about getting in trouble having sex out in the open. That is, if you’re into it, of course.”
My eyebrows practically zoom off my forehead. I’m no stranger to sex in public places, and some good revenge sex sounds plenty fun to me right now. I’m just not sure Jemima knows what she’s getting into because these types of schemes often end differently than how you expect.