Page 5 of Partner in Crime (Forbidden Fantasies 27)
Holy crap! First, Bruce Wilshire flirts with me, and now he’s sharing an intimate detail. And he wants to hug me? This is getting weirder and weirder, but I kind of hope I never wake up. When I looked up and saw him standing in front of me, I couldn’t believe my eyes. But now heat suffuses my cheeks and I nod shyly.
“My mom used to do the same for me anytime I was upset,” I manage to murmur. “I’d love a hug, actually.”
Bruce pulls me in, his strong arms enveloping me, and against that broad chest, I finally relax. It’s warm here, and I feel secure and safe. Tentatively, I put my arms around him and take a deep inhale. The man smells like soap, leather and a masculine musk that’s all him. It’s heady and soothing at once, and my knees go weak.
But not wanting to seem inappropriate, I pull back after a moment. Bruce lowers his hands to my upper arms and slowly rubs them up and down, and then holds me at arm’s length and smiles. “Now, you want to tell me what has you so upset?”
I bite my lip. Should I say anything? But before I can stop, the words come pouring out.
“I caught my ex cheating on me last night. I held it together most of the morning, but it just hit me a few minutes ago and I kind of broke down,” I say in a small voice. OMG, I don’t know why I decided to blurt out my horrible experience like that! Maybe it’s because Bruce has been sharing details about his past, and so I feel comfortable sharing as well. Maybe it’s the intimate moment. Or maybe it’s because he’s looking at me with those piercing blue eyes of his, with the hint of a dimple in that strong cheek. I’m not sure I could deny him anything given that look in his eye.
But then Bruce’s smile disappears, replaced by a grimace. “Any asshole dumb enough to cheat on a beautiful woman like you must have his head stuck up his ass.”
My cheeks burn as I blush. Bruce Wilshire thinks I’m beautiful? Today really is looking up, come to think of it. My eyes slip away from his and I glance at my watch, trying to hide my embarrassment at his compliment. Then I mumble awkwardly, “Well, my ten minute break is up.” I point my thumb over my shoulder. “I better get back to work.”
OMG, why do I sound so ill at ease? Why couldn’t I have accepted his compliment with grace? But the handsome man merely chuckles and smiles at me in a way that makes my body feel hypersensitive. Quickly, I wave goodbye to him and turn to head back to reception.
Yet, even as I sway down the hall, I can feel his eyes on me like the sun kissing my skin on a hot day at the beach. That warm gaze caresses my backside as I leave, and I give an extra shake to my hips and an extra bounce to my step to make sure my assets are at their best. After all, I don’t really have a chance with a man like Bruce Wilshire. He can get any woman he wants, young, old, thin, thick, of any color or creed. So I merely smile again, and stroll away, determined to forget him, and yet knowing that I won’t.
* * *
For the fifth time, I delete the email I’ve been trying to send for the last thirty minutes. Distracted is an understatement. My mind, among other parts of myself, is on a one-track mission this morning and business has no part in any of it. Instead, Jemima James’s beautiful features fill my mind, and to tell the truth, she’s the only thing I’ve been able to focus on all morning.
It doesn’t make any sense because it’s not like yesterday was the first time I’ve ever seen the curvy girl. She’s been working at the Wilshire for a while, and I’ve noticed her in the past. To be honest, I’d have to be blind to have not noticed her because she’s curvy and sexy, with a nice smile and a diligent manner. But there’s more to it than that. Since talking to her yesterday I can’t get her out of my head, and it’s as if she’s moved into my prefrontal cortex and made herself a home there.
After all, the woman has the kind of lush curves that make me want to bend her over my desk. And what a sight that would be! Jemima moaning and panting, as I lift her skirt up. I couldn’t take my eyes off that sexy ass of hers as she strolled away yesterday, and my fingers literally twitched with the urge to grab her and pull her under me right there in the hallway. Yet, I didn’t. I actually restrained myself, which is unusual.