Page 3 of Dear Maverick (Love Letters 3)
“Fine. Whatever. I’m going home.”
As she walks to the door, I say to her, “I hope you enjoy all the gorilla humping!”
She flips me off as the door slams behind her.
Her roommate has a new boyfriend, and all they do is have sex. Lena can’t stand it because they sound like zoo animals, so she’s been sleeping and eating her way through my tiny apartment.
Gazing down at the paper in my hand, I wonder if it would be so bad to write Maverick back? Maybe he needs friendship, too.
Chapter Three
Dear Maverick,
Well, I assure you, I’m as real as the sunset. True is actually my name, and I am the hot mess I portrayed myself as.
Lena, however, that bitch, ran away without telling me about the running over of her foot. Care to spill?
I’m really sorry about the first letter. Normally, I’m a pretty happy person. I love the stupidest sci-fi movies on Netflix, I have like a gazillion books that make me calm, and generally, I love to joke around.
Stupid men and their stupid “tools” have turned me off from life. (No dumb pun intended.) I guess I’m bitter, and maybe I really am the old spinster lady!
Crap, if I get any cats, just toss me in the looney bin!
Enough about me and my drama, tell me about you. Lena says you’re in the Navy? That’s exciting, and amazing, and inspiring. Are you deployed anywhere you can tell me about?
What do you think about all that you do? Have you been on active duty long?
Wow, okay, so if you can’t tell, I ramble when I’m nervous, or happy. Come to think of it, even when I’m mad. Basically, whenever I feel anything but tired.
I think.
I’ll leave you to this mess of a letter and go bake something.
Hey! Maybe I’ll include a treat! If I don’t burn it that is.
Weirdly, True
Damn, this girl can talk. I bet she’d yammer my ear off if we were together. I’d like that to happen. There’s something oddly relaxing and amusing about True. She’s real and wholesome all at the same time.
I’m incredibly glad she chose to write me back. It would have been a tad stalkerish if I’d sent her a second letter just to make sure she knew I wanted to hear from her.
True to her word, she included a canister of cookies with a warning note, saying: it’s not my fault. Opening the container, the smell of peanut butter and cinnamon hits my nostrils, and I inhale deeply.
Peanut butter snickerdoodles. My favorite. Guess Lena must have been nice for once and told her friend what I like.
Biting into the first one, a burst or flavor overwhelms me, and I close my eyes to savor the deliciousness of that initial bite.
“You gonna lose your grip there Mav, or what?” Desmond’s laughing voice doesn’t distract me from my girl’s goods, though.
“Dude, best thing ever,” I mumble through another mouthful.
“Whoooey, she’s a gorgeous one, man.” It takes a full minute for his words to register.
“There’s a picture?” My eyes snap to the image in his hand, and I grab it before he can back away.
Dark brown hair, it looks soft and thick, the perfect combination to run my fingers through as I kiss those full red lips. Her deep brown eyes beckon me to peek into her soul. She’s curled up on a sofa in a too big sweater and tight black leggings showcasing full, luscious thighs.