Page 44 of Unchained (Hogan Brothers 3)
“Cupcake,” the big man with Ashley growled. Like an animal.
“Hush, you.”
Sage watched as he turned her friend towards him. With a tight grip on the woman’s hips, he pulled her close. The words he spoke were too low for Sage to hear, but Ashley’s sigh spoke volumes.
“Sage, this is Declan. Dec, be nice to Sage.”
Hands on her own waist had Sa
ge jumping. “Easy, Angel,” Loch whispered in her ear. His warm breath caused goosebumps to break free along her skin.
Clearing her throat, Sage introduced them. “Ashley, this is Loch. Lochlan, this is Ashley.”
“Nice to meet you.” Loch held out his free hand for her to shake.
It took Ashley so long to respond, Sage worried she didn’t like him. “So, you’re him, huh.” She finally took his hand. “You crush her, and I’ll break you.” Sage gasped so loudly they all looked at her. “Oh, don’t you try it, missy. Someone has to protect you, even if he does look like he can do the job.” She winked at Sage.
“Careful, cupcake,” Declan growled again.
“Ignore him. He has two modes of speaking: growling and yelling.” The girls chuckled; the men shared a knowing look.
“I’ve got us all checked in; we’re on the eight floor.” Loch handed them a key card as two bellhops joined them with their luggage, following along behind them to the elevators.
“When’s the ceremony?” Declan asked Loch.
“Nine. Ashley, I was hoping you’d take Sage to one of the boutiques and shop?” Loch’s arms wrapped around Sage.
“Of course! Let’s do that now!”
Sage caught on to her enthusiasm quickly.
“Could we?” Her hopeful look to Loch was matched as he reached for his pocket.
Handing Sage a credit card, he told Ashley, “Whatever she wants, she gets. Got it?”
“Oh, buddy, trust me, she’ll be the bell of the ball.” They giggled together as the men left, and they waited to go back downstairs.
Suddenly serious, Ashley demanded, “Tell me how you are really? I mean marriage, Sage? Are you sure about this?”
Shocked by the questions, Sage tried to explain. “He’s the other half of me.” Licking her dry lips, the words that would explain how and why were hard to come by. “When I’m with him, I feel. Not just safe or happy, but I really feel. Everything. Like the sun is warmer, the sky is brighter, the nights are longer and shorter all at the same time. He brings out a side of me I’ve never seen before.” Ashley’s face softened. “I breathe easier when he’s in the room than when we’re apart. I don’t fear all the things I’ve yet to learn in your world. I anticipate them—good or bad. When he walks into a room, the air crackles and the fine hairs on my arm stand on end.”
“You can have all of that without marriage, though. I know you, Sage. I know you’ll be in it for life. Can you say the same for him?” Her gaze implored understanding on Sage’s part. “I don’t want you to regret doing this.”
The doors dinged open as they reached the lobby and more patrons entered the small space. Sage was rooted to the spot, and they wound up going back up. “I know you’ve been hurt in so many ways and can sympathize. My hurt has gone beyond anything I could have imagined, though, and I choose to look past the pain and to the future. Whatever that may bring.” Drawing in a shallow breath, she felt more eyes on her. “And in it, I see Lochlan. Do you remember the first time I told you about him? My heart fluttered, and I had butterflies in my belly.”
“I remember, Sage.”
“It’s ten times that now. We both want the same things; we want the babies and marriage. A picket fence and a dog. Church on Sundays, football on Fridays. Everything in between. We talked the entire way here. There isn’t a single thing I don’t know about him, and he, I. We are meant for each other; I feel in my heart of hearts. Deep in the recesses of my soul. He is mine, and I am his. Unequivocally. Without question.”
“Damn, girl,” one woman interjected causing Sage to blush a deep crimson. “Marry that man.”
“He’s a keeper,” another said wistfully.
“There isn’t even a sliver of doubt?” Ashley asked, ignoring the other women.
“Not for a second.” She smiled wide.
“Wedding’s at nine in the chapel, ladies!” Ashley called as the two women disembarked the elevator.