Page 25 of Unchained (Hogan Brothers 3)
Sage was a whole new ballgame for him, and he looked forward to discovering every inch of her silky, pale skin. Partaking in the carnal pleasures of love with her and her alone.
The buzzing from his phone broke into his melancholy thoughts.
Frank: Sure did. Her folks are a special kind of crazy. I’ll be at your Ma’s tomorrow afternoon with some info.
Loch: Shit. Just how crazy?
Frank: Her grandparents marrying their underage daughter off to a man old enough to be her father kind of crazy.
Loch: See you tomorrow.
Not exactly the news he wanted to hear. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t shocked, however. The only thing that actually worried Loch was just how crazy her folks were going to turn out to be.
Chapter Nine
Don’t call it a dream, call it a plan.
Sage was awoken by the light sounds of snoring and the crisp breeze from an open window as the sun began to rise on what she would describe as a perfect autumn day. Lochlan was fast asleep in the chair his mother had occupied most of the day before and looked mighty uncomfortable.
Not wanting to wake him but desperate to touch him, her fingers slithered through his thick hair as he slept. Soft, spiky strands grazed the top of her hand causing goosebumps to line her flesh. Having fallen asleep so early the night before, she hadn’t been able to see Lochlan when he arrived. Depressing as that may be, she felt far better after such a long and restful sleep. She was beginning to feel human again.
Her wounds were healing, the infection was nearly gone from her body, and Sage was hopeful she would be released later in the morning. Even knowing she didn’t have any worldly possessions or a plan on what to do when she was discharged, she kept her faith that the Lord would take care of her and guide her through the uncertainty.
She was so torn between not wanting to abandon all of her beliefs and needing to rediscover their meaning on her own, without the influence of the people she’d grown up with. Not having to listen to her father preach of only what he believed. Confident that her Lord was waiting with open arms no matter her decision was a comfort Sage intended on indulging in.
One of the first things she wanted to do when she left the hospital was go to mass. The calling she felt deep in her bones couldn’t be ignored now that she was on the mend. Turning back to look at a sleeping Lochlan, she knew he was a major reason for it coming back to her. Because, even though her family betrayed her on the deepest of levels, he helped to restore her faith. Due to his compassion and empathy, Sage was able to break through all the hurt and pain. She was able to move forward and accept that everything happens for a reason, and she hoped he was her reason.
Giving into temptation again, Sage leaned forward, and her fingers drifted amidst the bristly strands of his hair. Softer than she had previously imagined as she closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of him between her fingers.
His whispered, “Angel,” made her jump and squeal from the sudden move.
“You scared me.”
He grinned, likely because her fingers were still playing with his hair. “Tried not to.” His yawn was endearing as he attempted to hide the sleep from his eyes. The stubble on his cheek was rough as her fingers slid down, free of his hair. “Have you been awake long? Are you hungry?”
Before she could answer, there was a light knock followed by an orderly bringing in her breakfast. After placing the tray on the table, the woman left with a nod.
“Call, and you shall receive.” Loch laughed pulling the lid off the hot plate. “Scrambled eggs, toast, fruit, and juice. What would m’lady like to try first?” Even tired from an uncomfortable sleep, he always put her first. What more could she really ask for?
“Just the juice, please.” He gave her a funny look as he opened the container and passed it to her along with a slice of toast.
“Sorry, Angel, you need your strength.”
“Thank you.” Her words were soft as he sat and watched her. “You could have the rest if you want.” She offered.
“Hospital food?” He raised a brow. “I think I’ll pass.” After a beat, he continued. “So should you. I’m going to find someone to see when you get to leave.” As he stood to go, his lips grazed her cheek briefly before walking out.
He couldn’t possibly know how every touch affected her. Her heart stuttered with each press of his lips, no matter how soft on her skin. Loch left her speechless with his selfless caring. She wasn’t so naïve she didn’t believe that, eventually, he would expect things in return. Sage also didn’t believe he would pressure her before she was ready.
The toast and juice he’d pushed on her were gone before long, and she was left sitting alone, waiting for him to come for her again.
The pure anticipation of Lochlan walking through the door was just enough to get her through the toughest of times. While she’d tried extremely hard not to be some needy, clingy woman, he’d made it impossible not to be. He accepted each outcry for comfort, encouraged her to lean on him when she needed a warm shoulder. She was at a point where not seeing him at the beginning and end of each day would be next to impossible.
Hearing his voice coming closer, she welcomed his presence again. “Yeah, fine, Mac. I’ll be there.” He didn’t sound happy as he hung up the phone coming through the door.
“Is everything alright?” The stress in her voice couldn’t be hidden.
Loch was at her side immediately. “It’s fine. I have to go into the shop for an hour or so. That customer that didn’t show up yesterday is coming in for an update on his car, and since I’m the one working on it, I need to be there.” He sounded annoyed.