Page 23 of Unchained (Hogan Brothers 3)
“Good. Now, about tomorrow. Lochlan will be bringing you to my house. I have his old room all set up for you. You’re going to take the time to fully heal before you even think about anything else.”
“I appreciate your generosity.” Never before had Sage felt such love from a person as she did Lorraine.
“Mami, if your fine ass doesn’t get out of here, it’s going over my knee.” Asher threatened Elianna for probably the tenth time in as many minutes. The girl just didn’t know when to quit.
Lochlan, for once, was amused with the two and their antics while he put the finishing touches on the car he was working on. The one that pulled him away from Sage’s bedside.
“Oh, Papi,” Elianna purred as she walked passed them. “How do you know I won’t like it?” She teased.
“Mierda, Mami,” Asher’s muttered curse as she walked by, mixed with the desire on his face, had Loch laughing. “Shut it, kid.”
“Not saying a thing, man.” He was quiet for a few minutes before asking, “Are you going to go after her?”
“Eli?” He seemed surprised.
“No other hers around.”
He’s thoughtful for a moment before responding. “Nah, man, that chic’s too loco for me. She’s got more demons than I want to deal with.”
“You don’t think she could be worth it?” Loch didn't mean to be nosey, but with everything going on with Sage, it was hard to believe someone wouldn’t fight for the girl they wanted.
“Doesn’t matter if she is. Eli is forbidden fruit. Good for a fuck but not to bring home to the familia.” With his head under the hood of the car they were working on, Asher couldn’t know Elianna was almost beside him and heard every word.
It was a sight Lochlan wouldn’t soon forget. She fought to be fierce, to fit in, but like a lot of people, she just wanted to be loved. The hurt flickering through her light green gaze wouldn’t be extinguished any time soon.
“What?” Asher asked as Eli said, “I’m not familia material anyhow. Fuck ‘em and leave ‘em is my motto for a reason, Papi.”
“Now wait a min–“
She didn’t let him finish. “It’s cool; I’m done here anyways. Got an offer that can’t be refused.” Ignoring Asher, she looked to Loch. “You’ll tell Nox I had to go.”
“What about Soph?”
Her gaze flickered for a beat. “She’s got all the family she needs. My damage will only bring her down.”
Walking away, she paused when Asher called, “Mami, it’s not like that.”
“It never is.”
As she walked through the door and, presumably, out of their lives, Asher exploded into a rage, tossing his tools into the wall. “Mierda, hijo de puta!”
Guilt swamped Loch as his best friend stormed from the shop, undeniably pissed off. And all because Loch wanted to understand. His own needs and desires for Sage caused Elianna to leave, and there wasn’t a damn thing he was going to be able to do about it. Elianna was too headstrong to do anything other than what she wanted. No matter what anyone said.
“What the hell just happened?” Nox came storming into the back. “Eli took off like a bat out of hell, and Asher is pissed like I’ve never seen.”
“I don’t think she’s coming back, Nox.”
“I asked Asher a question, and she didn’t like his answer. In all fairness, neither of us knew she would be around to listen, either.”
“What’d he say?” Nox was confused.
“That she was good for a fuck and not the family,” Asher answered in a harsh voice coming up from behind them.
“Dayum, man, that’s cold even for you.” Nox’s whistle echoed around the room.