Page 63 of One Choice (Hogan Brothers 2)
Putting a duffle bag on the vacant chair, she told him, “I know she’s going to want to stay with you while you recover. I expect you both to be at dinner on Friday night.” Andrea looked towards his mother. “Lorraine, you’re invited as well. Hayes’ graduation is on Sunday, and I think she’d like for you all to be there.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Levi said, looking down at the amazing woman in his arms.
“We’ll all be there, Andrea.” His mother beamed at Hayes’ mom, as proud as any mother about the occasion. “Andrea, Eric, this is my youngest son Lochlan.”
Loch nodded to them. “Sir, ma’am, a pleasure.”
“It’s nice to meet you. You’re welcome to come to dinner as well,” Eric said. “We’ll leave you to rest now, Levi. Have Hayes give us a call tonight to check in if you will.”
“You got it.”
As Hayes’ parents left, he had a new appreciation for her and her family. They were slightly broken, but the love and caring they expressed were as strong as ever. The trust they gave her even knowing he was so much older than she was, and the world he was involved in, amazed him every day.
“I’m glad you’re alright, Levi. I just wish you would have told me what was going on. Why yo
u felt the need to fight.” His mother looked sad as she moved Hayes’ bag and sat.
“I’m sorry, Ma. I had a few demons to slay.” Looking back down at Hayes, he admitted to the new feelings he had been struggling with. “She made me see the light. She was what I was missing.”
A sad look crossed his brother’s face, and he began to worry that Loch was going to lose the innocence he still hung on to without the girl he was chasing in his mind.
Chapter Fifteen
I know in my heart you belong with me.
Levi was released from the hospital on Monday morning and home and in bed by lunch. Hayes hadn’t let him lift a finger to do anything, and when he tried to get her to cuddle with him, she’d told him his mother was coming by, and they were cooking his meals for the week because she had to go back to school on Tuesday for final grad prep. Whatever that meant.
By Tuesday, he was restless and jonesing to get out of the house, so he skipped his pain meds in the morning and drove to the shop. Big mistake. Sophia’s sister Elianna was in rare form and driving everyone crazy all damn day. Especially Asher.
“Stop being such a bitch, Eli!” was the first thing Levi heard as he stepped out of his car.
“Then give me back my shit! Egotistical bastard! Can’t stand a woman being better than you at anything!” she shouted right back at the man.
Levi stood off to the side and watched as they bickered back and forth, amused that they couldn’t, or wouldn’t, admit to the sexual tension between them both. He had a feeling that if either of them ever got their heads out of their asses, they’d see it and embrace it.
“Maybe if you guys hopped in bed, the yelling would stop?” He tossed the idea at them. The looks on their faces had him laughing. A mixture of disgust and hope matched each other.
“Shut up, Levi,” Eli snapped and stormed off. Asher shook his head and continued with what he’d been doing before she likely exploded on him.
“Levi!” Sophia had called before he was through the front door.
“Hey, girl, how you doing?” She always made him smile.
Waving his question off, she rounded her desk. “How are you? What are you doing here?”
“I was getting restless. Needed a change of scenery.” Hayes was going to have a fit when she found out he’d left home.
“Bro, what the hell are you doing out of the house? You drive here?” Loch asked, coming through the side door wiping his hands.
“Stop fussing. I’m alright.”
“My ass.” Nox chimed in from behind him.
“Christ. Stop acting like a couple of mother hens. I’m getting enough of that from Hayes.” He’d complained about it but didn’t really mind that she fussed over him. It kept her by his side, and that made him a happy man.
“So, what are you doing here?” Soph asked again.
The chiming over the door interrupted anything he was going to say. “Grand fucking central,” he muttered under his breath, turning in time to see Sage and her mother with two other men entering the building.