Page 60 of One Choice (Hogan Brothers 2)
Levi stood, bent over the man, eyes trained on Casper with a deadly glare as he was declared the winner in an underdog match.
Brett hoisted Hayes over the barricade, and she darted for the cage opening, intent on helping Levi out of the ring when Casper placed a hand on her arm to stop her.
“I don’t fucking think so, bitch.” He snarled at her.
She didn’t have to think about her reaction, she swung, hitting him straight in the mouth and knocking him on his ass. “You stupid son of a bitch. You’re gonna lose your best fighter, so you send in that pussy. Big fucking mistake.” Levi was right, she was starting to sound like him.
Hayes could feel Levi at her back as she told the man off. His entire body curved over the top of her as one hand held her hip in a tight grip.
“You and me, Casp, we’re done,” Levi said stepping over the fallen man. Levi guided them back to the locker room, slamming doors as he went. She could tell he was pissed.
Watching as he pressed his hands to the wall, leaning forward, his breathing heavy and sporadic, she slowly approached him. He looked more like a caged animal than a man.
“Levi.” She put her hand on his back as she slid under his arms to look at him. “Are you hurt?” His face was a mask of bruises and cuts. One eye was completely swollen shut. His chest was littered with bruising that she knew from experience would be muscle deep.
“Fucking cocksucking son of a bitch cracked a rib.” His teeth were gritted so tightly together she feared he might crack them.
“Let’s get you to a hospital.” Her words were muted as she spoke.
“I knew he was up to something.” She could hear him getting angrier by the second. “I should have kicked his ass.” His hands clenched against the wall.
“Levi, please.” She could see his strength waning the longer he stood there.
“Fuck!” His fist reared back and shot straight into the wall a few inches from her head.
Not for a second did she fear him. She feared his temper flying off the handle and him going after Casper. Maybe even Rocko. He wasn’t in any shape to be doing either.
His breathing was labored as his gaze finally cleared, and he really looked at her. Wincing, he brought his body into hers, squishing her between his bulk and the wall. Caging her in his world. She was shocked when his arms wrapped around her neck and shoulders, holding her to him. All his pain and confusion emitted from every pore in his body as he shook, fighting to keep upright.
Hayes’ own arms slid around his back, holding him as tightly as he did her. He seemed to wilt in her arms. She felt all the power from his mind and soul bleeding through into her. Helping him move back towards the bench, he sat while still holding her. Only his arms slid down to her waist as he buried his face in her chest.
The creak of the door opening had him tensing up again. She saw her friends enter the room and rubbed her hands along his scalp, trying to soothe him. “Just Brett and Lys.”
When his breathing turned shallow, she became more frightened about his condition. “His phone is in his locker. Grab it, please.” Hayes knew it was the time for his secret to come out.
Lys handed the device to her. It was hard as hell to betray his trust, but she knew his family had to be told. Scrolling through his contacts, she hit the number for his older brother, Nox.
It rang three times before anyone picked up. “Busy here, kid.” He sounded breathless.
“Oh, umm, sorry,” she mumbled, embarrassed that she might have interrupted something.
“Who’s this?”
“Hayes, umm, Levi’s friend.” Could I be more awkward?
“Think you’re more than a friend, Hayes. What’s up? You’re calling from Levi’s phone.” Worry started to bleed through his words.
“He’s hurt. I need to take him to the hospital. I’m not sure I can do it on my own, though.” It physically hurt to break an unspoken promise she’d made to him.
“Text me the address.” Nox hung up before she could agree. After sending him the information, she waited for what felt like forever. Levi didn’t move in that whole time.
Chapter Fourteen
There are no secrets that time does not heal.
Lennox Hogan knew his brother was in deep shit. Had for months, but the stubborn son of a bitch wouldn’t budge on anything. When he’d started bringing Hayes around, Nox thought, for sure, she could have been a part of it. But after meeting the girl, it was easy to see she wasn’t and that his brother was struggling with some dark demons.
Pulling up to a run-down warehouse, pounding music coming from inside, and dozens of cars scattering, he knew nothing he found out tonight was going to be good. Heading through a side door, he followed Hayes’ instructions to where they were.