Page 6 of One Choice (Hogan Brothers 2)
“Oh yeah, why’s that?” That smile of his was back.
“I had to plot my escape around them damn holes.” She grinned, hoping he’d laugh. His face got serious again.
“Fucking rodents,” he cursed.
“Got that pellet gun handy?” His laughter was contagious.
Suddenly turning serious, he told her, “I’m walking you home, sugar.”
Eyeing him up and down, she didn’t get the creepy vibe from him that she had the man in the park. Even though there was something dangerous about him that she couldn’t put her finger on.
Relenting, she bargained. “Alright, but only if you tell me where the black eye came from and your name.”
Scowling at her, he grudgingly agreed. “Fine, but you don’t get all the fun, gory details,” he said, “yet. And the name’s Levi Hogan.”
So strong, so fitting.
It took her a moment to realize he’d stuck his hand out to shake hers. “Seems a little formal considering you had my body plastered to yours ten seconds ago.” She smiled ruefully. “Hayes Morrison.” Finally, she shook his hand. A zap of electricity shot currents through her body from the innocent contact.
Hayes was a breath of fresh air. She was the light to Levi’s dark.
He was enthralled.
He didn’t have room for her in his life right then. He was fighting to get to the top of his game, and she wasn’t part of that. She would be a distraction. Just watching her walk as he followed her home made him forget he was on his way to train with Casper.
“Soooooo,” she drawled out. “The eye?”
Oh yeah. “Nothing, really. Didn’t duck when I should have.” He smirked at her irritated scowl.
“Really? That’s as good as you’ve got?” When he shrugged in response, she carried on. “Even Ryder could do better when he got into scraps.”
Ryder? His hackles rose, which pissed him off. He had no claim on her. She could be some other man’s property, and there wasn’t a fucking thing he could do about it.
Except kick the fucker’s ass. The devil on his shoulder had to speak up.
Switching tactics, he asked her, “You run a lot?”
“Almost every day.”
“What’s with the limp? Fall one too many times?” He laughed, thinking of tackling her the other day. She didn’t share his amusement. Sadness encompassed her features, and he felt like an ass. “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.” He could tell his backpedaling wasn’t working as she drew into herself.
“It’s fine. I was in an accident is all. No big deal.” Except it was a very big deal if her reaction was anything to go by.
They continued the walk to her house in silence as she obviously thought back on whatever the accident was, and he imagined all the ways Nox would kick his ass for being such a dick.
“This is me,” she said all too quickly. He didn’t want their time together to end, yet it had to for more reasons than she could ever know.
“Right. Well, be more careful, would you?” His tone was harsh, and he instantly regretted it.
“Wouldn’t want to be a burden.” She turned, running through her front door before he could apologize.
“Stupid, Levi.” As he was cursing up a storm, he missed the curtain move from the top floor. Didn’t see the wistful look in the beautiful girl’s eyes as he walked away.
Checking his phone as it began to vibrate, he knew it was going to be Casper before he answered. “I’m on my way, Casp,” he bit out.