Page 54 of One Choice (Hogan Brothers 2)
Dustin took an antagonistic step towards her, and Hayes growled at the much larger kid, actually fucking growled. Levi had to hold his laughter in so he didn’t piss her off.
“Don’t you try and intimidate me you son of a bitch. I will hand your ass to you on a rotten fucking platter,” she snapped.
Levi couldn’t help it any longer. He placed his hands on Hayes’ hips and pressed his chest to her back, whispering in her ear. “Careful, sugar, you’re starting to sound like me.”
Dustin’s snort, followed by, “Fucking pussy,” had Levi’s head whipping up to glare at the guy.
“You’ve seen me in the ring, right, Dusty boy? You know the damage I can and will do. So, tell me why you keep coming after my girl?”
“Get the hell out of here Dustin before he kicks your teeth down your throat,” Brett warned. Dustin looked like he wanted to say more but decided against it and stormed off.
“I didn’t know you were coming today.” Hayes grinned at Levi as she turned around.
“Your knee okay?” he asked her instead. He knew what tweaking it could do to her.
“Huh?” She looked down like it would give her an answer. “Fine.”
“Good. Let’s go. I’ve got a mat with your name on it.” She blushed furiously at the innuendo. “Get your mind out of the gutter, girl, we’re going to the gym.”
“Later, guys!” Brett called as they parted.
Teacher’s glared at him as they walked back to his car. He didn’t’ give a fuck, but he knew Hayes was going to catch some flack for it, so he glared right back at them as he helped her into the passenger seat of the car.
“Christ, woman.” Cam panted as Levi continued his heckling on the edge of the ring. After Hayes had gone a round with Levi, simply wearing him out by moving around so quickly, Cam had wanted in on it.
He told her it was good for them if and when they fought a smaller guy. Someone quicker than their larger frames. She continued to duck, dodge, and taunt them both as they danced around the ring.
She knew they were letting her get away with most of the stuff she was doing. Oddly, she was okay with it because it meant she could tease them about it later.
“Wooo, you got chicks fighting in here?” A deep voice called from somewhere behind her just as Cam was taking a swing at her head. Pain burned through her skull as she was knocked to the ground. Her ears rang as Levi stood above her, worry lines framing his eyes.
“I’m okay.” She swatted his hands away as he tried asking her how many fingers he was holding up. “Cam hits like a girl, anyway.”
“I resent that,” he muttered helping her to her feet with Levi.
“Spell it, then you can say it,” she said jokingly.
“Hayes,” Levi gripped her face in his hands. “Are you okay?” He helped her take the headgear off that he’d insisted she wear before entering the ring.
“Cross my heart, Levi. Kind of glad you made me wear the gear now, though.”
His eyes searched her face for any marks or indications that she was in any way injured. It was sweet but unnecessary. Hitting the hard mat hurt more than the actual pun
“So, who’s the babe?” That voice again, only closer.
“Nice knowing you, man,” Cam commented to the stranger as he lounged against the ropes.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Levi snapped and snarled like a rabid dog as he spun on the man. “You don’t fucking walk in and make a bunch of fucking noise when there are people in the ring. Are you fucking stupid?”
Hayes got a good look at the newcomer as Levi stepped closer. While he wasn’t as tall as Levi’s nearly six-foot-two frame, he probably had thirty pounds on him.
“Levi, it’s not a big deal.” She tried to reason with him before his temper unleashed the beast.
“It’s a very big fucking deal!” he shouted. Not at her, but at the moron smirking at Levi’s loss of control, and she had a feeling that’s what the man was trying to do. Her gaze sought out Cam in the corner, pleading for him to step in. “She could have been fucking injured!”
Stepping in front of Levi, Hayes had a feeling she was the peacekeeper of the day as Cam shrugged at her. The bonehead wanted a fight.