Page 35 of One Choice (Hogan Brothers 2)
The bell rang, and soon, students and teachers were piling out of the school, turning the small argument into something much bigger.
“Listen here, you little punk. She ain’t going with you because you’re a drunk prick, and she’s too fucking classy for that shit.” Dustin attempted to say something, but Levi spoke right over him. “She’s also not going with you because she’s mine. Has been from the moment our eyes met. I catch you touching her again when she has clearly said no, and I will come for you. There will be nowhere you can hide from me. We clear?” Dustin nodded. Levi leaned forward, whispering so only the three of them could hear. “If she has one mark on her from your grip, I will string you up that flagpole by your asshole. Feel me, bro?”
“Levi,” she called him again.
He turned to her as Dustin scampered off to hide in some hole, his smile devastating. Like he hadn’t just threatened a high school student.
“Hey, sugar,” he murmured, pulling her into him, and just like that, her body heated to the core.
Her hand moved up to his temple as a lock of hair fell forward. “Hi,” she answered, loving the feel of his hands caressing her back.
“You alright, Hayes?” Brett asked, walking forward.
Levi tensed at his voice. “Fine, Brett, thanks for asking.”
Tucking her under his arm, Levi extended a hand to him. “Levi, how you doing?”
“Brett.” They shook hands, a look of respect passing between them. “Saw you at the fight last weekend. You’re a badass.”
Levi shrugged like it was nothing, “Thanks. There’s another tomorrow night. Same place. Meet me at seven, and I’ll get you in.”
“Sweet, thanks, man.” She watched as an intensity entered Brett’s gaze. Looking behind her, she figured Lys had to be nearby. Instead, what she saw was a transfer student from a few months ago. The girl was a mess on the outside, but Hayes knew she was smart as a whip and used her messy attire as a shield to ward people away from her. They had Anatomy together, and she’d never spoken more than a few words.
“I think her name’s Allegra,” she told Brett just as Lys joined them. The panic in his eyes was bright as their gazes collided.
“Hey, guys!” Lys was always so damn happy.
Hayes’ stare was still glued with Brett’s, and she shook her head so he knew she’d keep her mouth shut. From talks with Lys, she knew they’d never done anything more than kiss. They mostly hung out, so they had someone around to alleviate boredom. But seeing Brett look at Allegra the same way Levi had often looked at her, she had to wonder what was going on.
“You guys still going to the gym?” Lys asked.
“You bet,” she smiled at her friend.
“Cool beans. I wish I had your determination, but I swear, I’m stuck being lazy.” She laughed at herself.
“You’re welcome to join us,” Levi offered, and she wanted to deck him.
She loved Lys; the girl had been a godsend when she’d arrived at school eighteen months ago. But the girl could talk the ear off a snake.
“Really?” He nodded. She mulled it over. “Not today. I’ve got some stuff to do for prom still. Next week?” Hayes blew out a relieved breath.
“Anytime,” Levi told her.
As they parted ways, her mind wandered back to what he’d said to Dustin. How she’d been his since the moment their eyes met. It confused her because she’d been a jerk to him that day.
“You really think I’m yours?” Hayes asked as they drove, watching Levi. Looking for any deception in his movements.
“Hayes,” his voice was low but heavy with something she couldn’t quite describe. Grabbing her hand, he brought it to his lips, kissing her palm. “I don’t think it, I know it.”
The air whooshed from her lungs in a single breath. He was staking his claim, and they’d never been on a date.
Who did that? The simple answer was…Levi Hogan.
It was hard not beating that punk to a pulp when Levi had seen the fear in Hayes’ gaze as he’d stepped towards her. Her no at whatever Dustin had asked had been clear. He wasn’t sure what the younger man had asked her, but he should have understood her response the first time.
The only reason Levi hadn’t laid waste to the boy was because Hayes had called to him. She didn’t need to see him demolish some punk and go to jail because he hadn’t staked his own claim on his girl. He’d done it now, and in a very public way to her peers. Anyone messed with her after that, and it’d be their own fault for inciting his fury. He wouldn’t hesitate to give someone a lesson in manners.
They stopped at a little Chinese place on the way to the gym. Not really on his diet, but it made Hayes happy. Being a Friday night, he knew the gym would be busier than the day before.