Page 13 of One Choice (Hogan Brothers 2)
“If high school girls are what you’re into…” Dustin stupidly slurred with jealousy.
She felt Levi tense at his words. That was it. For a man like him, she knew he was done with her. He’d toss her aside like she was nothing.
“High school?” he whispered in her ear.
She couldn’t bear to look at him as she nodded her head once with a jerk, her throat already clogging. It shouldn’t hurt so much. They didn’t know one another.
“High school,” Dustin repeated, shattering her ridiculous fantasy. His voice was laced with disgust.
Lys, the sweetheart that she was, must have seen the tears pooling in Hayes’ eyes as she spoke up. “Shut up, Dustin. She’s eighteen and can do as she likes.” The emphasis wasn’t missed by anyone but Dustin because he was drunk and Levi because he was pissed.
Stupid boys.
Stupid men.
Stupid me.
Hayes walked, or rather ran, away before anything else could be said. She didn’t need any more heartbreak in her life. She’d had enough of it.
Pushing through the crowds as they either partied or fought was harder than when they’d made their way to the front of the arena at the start of the evening. Once outside, the spring air hit her face like a punch to the gut. Pulling her phone from her pocket, she did exactly what she didn’t want to and called her parents. “Hey, princess, how’s the night?” her dad’s happy voice answered.
“Daddy.” Her voice cracked as she tried to hold back the pain. “Come get me, please.”
Without question, he said, “Text me the address. I’m on my way.” Before he was finished talking, she’d heard his car keys jingling. Once she’d sent him the coordinates from her phone’s GPS, she took the chicken’s way out and hid.
When her phone started buzzing, she looked down to see a text from Lys.
Lys: Where r u? U ok?
Hayes: Fine. Waiting 4 dad.
Lys: I’ll kill Dustin!
Hayes: S’okay. Nothing gained, nothing lost.
At least that’s what she told herself.
Lys: He wasn’t happy u left.
Hayes: He didn’t chase me either.
Lys: Point made.
She didn’t bother responding after that. What was the use? Her heart hurt. Her mind was screaming at her. She just wanted to go home.
As her dad’s cream-colored Buick 4-door came into view, so did the most gorgeous piece of machinery she’d ever seen. A sleek, black 1964 Charger. Her mouth watered. She’d always loved classic cars.
Opening the door to her dad’s sedan, she envied the owner of the other vehicle until she saw who was behind the wheel.
Of course, it was his car.
Of course, he would still look gorgeous.
Of course, he had to give her the nastiest look she’d ever been given as he spotted her.
Her heart shrivelled up right on the spot as she slid into the passenger’s side. The ride home was quiet. Her dad had never been much of a talker, that had always been her mom.