Page 64 of One Chance (Hogan Brothers 1)
“Good,” she said, unobtrusively watching him move around the kitchen. “What are you making?” Her eyes closed as she smelled the aromas from the spices covering the chicken he was broiling.
“Fajitas.” Tilting the pan with the vegetables to show her, a thought hit him, and he asked, “You don’t have more allergies, do you?”
“Just the eggs.”
“Good to know.” They’re silent again as he finished grating cheese and plating the warm tortillas. Putting one plate in front of her at the table, he went back for the chicken in the oven before sitting down across from her.
A few minutes more of quietness while they got their meals ready and Sophia broke the silence. “Is everything okay, Lennox?”
His head shot up at her question, not realizing he’d given away his thoughts. “We need to talk, Soph.” He placed his hands on the table, reaching for hers.
“Okay.” The simple word was barely audible as fear shone dominantly through her gaze.
Squeezing her hands in his, he smiled reassuringly. “We’re alright, baby.” She nodded, some of the fear in her eyes alleviating. “Anthony contacted the police about Rebecca.” He refused to call the cold-hearted woman her mother ever again. “They’ve collected enough evidence against her to have her arrested.” Sophia paled at his news. “She’s in jail, Soph, and Anthony has refused to help her out with bail, lawyers, anything.” Tears pooled in her eyes, leaving him confused. “Talk to me, baby.” He pleaded.
r /> She withdrew her hands from his, drawing into herself. Her eyes dimmed. He was taken aback when she pushed her chair back and stood from the table as if to leave. Her hands flexed at her sides, her legs twitched as though she wanted to run. He’d never seen her quite so…enraged. It took him a moment to see it, but plain as day, he saw the way she struggled to control the emotions swamping her, fury the prime contender in her eyes as he saw the fire building within.
Walking around the table to her, he wrapped her in his arms, hoping to calm the explosion about to break within her. Cradling her head to his chest, he kissed her temple, asking, “Why the anger?”
Her gaze cleared as she met his eyes. “I don’t…I don’t know,” she responded weakly.
“She won’t get away with what she’s done.” He tried to comfort her.
“I know.” Her whispered words were confused. “I want her to pay, but I don’t understand my father. Cutting her off? What if she is mentally ill? What if she needs help? The courts will toss her in some hole-in-the-wall psych facility and never think of her again.” There was that anger again. “I know she’s not the best person, but I wouldn’t wish someone to be lost in the system that way.”
He understood her anger and confusion then. “Baby,” he pushed her away a little bit to be level with her intense pools of green, “you are too fucking caring.” Her brows drew together, and when she went to say something, he interrupted her again. “Anyone else wouldn’t care about her fate. They’d let her rot. You, however, give a damn. Much as I hate that, we’ll help how we can when it’s time, alright?”
Sophia mulled over his words before smiling back at him. “Thank you for understanding, Lennox.” She leaned up to kiss his chin.
His girl, a true altruist, living amongst a jaded damned world.
He wouldn’t change her for a thing.
“There’s more, though, Soph.” His words penetrated the quiet moment.
“What else?” Sophia asked, straightening her spine. Ready for whatever bombshell he was about to drop.
“The reason Rebecca started all of this…” She watched as he paused. His eyes reluctant to tell her whatever he had to say.
“Please tell me,” she whispered. She didn’t think she could handle any more surprises but had a feeling this one would be a doozy.
Blowing out a breath, he continued. “There’s a woman, her name is Elianna.” He paused again, searching her eyes for something, recognition maybe? “She’s been trying to get in touch with you and Anthony.”
Didn’t seem like a big deal to her. “Why?”
“She claims to be your sister.” Anything he said after that hadn’t been heard. Her ears were ringing. Her breath had stalled in her lungs, and suddenly, her legs turned to jello, and she shook.
“Sister?” she repeated. At least she thought she had.
“Yes,” he confirmed.
Sitting back down, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I don’t even know these people.”
Nox knelt in front of her, both hands on her knees. “They kept secrets to protect you, baby. This isn’t on you.”
She didn’t move, didn’t respond. How could she? Everything she knew was a lie. Every birthday, no matter how miserable, every function she was forced to go to, it was all a lie. How was she to believe anything anymore?
“Soph?” Nox called to her softly. “Don’t shut down on me, baby.” She was trying, really she was, but she couldn’t help it.