Page 6 of One Chance (Hogan Brothers 1)
Harsh laughter was her only response.
Watching as the town rolled by through her window, Sophia couldn’t help wondering if maybe she really was stupid? She often missed social cues, couldn’t read a person’s mood, and generally just tried to keep out of the public.
“You never did understand what it means to be a Bennett, Sophia. You have to exude poise and grace.” And sleep with any willing dick. Sophia didn’t voice that out loud, of course. “You should be locked away. Seen, never heard.” Her mother continued speaking, but she tuned her out.
Rebecca loved to hear her own voice. She was so self-involved that she didn’t always notice when people insulted her. The way Lennox had. She’d just kept flirting and embarrassing herself.
Sophia often wondered why her parents were still together. They had slept in separate wings of the house for as long as she could remember. Only spoke to each other when it was necessary, which wasn’t often. Neither had been affectionate towards each other that she’d ever seen.
Sometimes, when they didn’t know she had been watching, her father would shoot daggers at her mother with his eyes, so much hatred lurking in their depths before he would shove it back into hiding. It would remain a mystery she supposed.
Her mother picking her up that afternoon had been a shock. She tried to avoid being seen in public with Sophia as much as possible. When her father’s car had pulled up, she knew he wasn’t in it. He always had a driver take him everywhere.
Lead had lined her stomach as her mother’s perfectly made up legs slithered out first, followed by her perfectly botoxed face. Upon seeing Lennox, the light in the older woman’s eyes turned predatory. Clearly and thankfully, he hadn’t shared the same sentiments towards her.
Pulling into the driveway of their home, which was more like a mausoleum, Sophia was quick to exit the car. Racing up the front steps as her father and what she assumed was a client walked out the door.
“Where’s the fire, Soph?” her father asked, confusing her. It was a rare and worrisome occasion when he acknowledged her in a client’s presence.
Pausing, she wasn’t sure what to do when his client offered a hand in introduction. “Pleased to meet you, Miss Sophia. I’m Braxton Hughes, an associate of your father’s. He speaks highly of you.”
The man, Braxton, seemed genuine. His eyes weren’t cold like many of the men her father brought around. Her suspicions were raised because this was foreign territory for her.
“Don’t be stupid, girl. Show some damn manners.” Her mother’s cold words were like a bucket of ice water tossed on her.
Unable to hide the pain from her face, she was able to mask her voice, at least. “My apologies, Mr. Hughes. It’s a pleasure to meet Father’s coworkers.” She gingerly shook his hand, not wanting to be around for longer than was considered rude.
Unfortunately, he saw right through her; however, he kept it to himself since her parents were engaged in a glaring contest. “Do they do this often?” he whispered next to her ear. Closer than she liked.
Not thinking and still thrown off balance from the entire encounter, she replied back, softly, “It’s a miracle they haven’t clawed each other’s eyes out yet.”
His bark of laughter caught their attention and had her gasping in shock that she’d actually voiced her opinion.
“What did you say?” her mother hissed, taking a menacing step towards Sophia.
“Nothing that isn’t true, Rebecca,” her father, surprisingly, agreed. Mouth hanging open, she was stunned and confused. This entire encounter was playing on her already feeble nerves. She had no idea what was going on, but she didn’t think she liked it.
“Anthony!” The woman’s face turned an unnatural shade of purple. Did she stop breathing?
“Seriously, is it always like this?” Braxton asked, apparently amused by her strange family dynamics.
“Ummm, no?” Concern swarmed her as she saw her father quickly losing whatever good mood he was in as her mother continued her ranting.
“Enough, Rebecca!” he hollered at the older woman. Sophia took a step back as Braxton stood in front of her, trying to shield her from her father’s wrath. “I’m sick of your tyrannical bullshit. Get yourself together or get out.” Deafening silence met his words.
Noticeably shocked, Rebecca was mute for a quick second before glowering at her husband. Not saying a word to him, she turned on her heel towards the door, but not before stopping beside Sophia and whispering in her ear, “You useless twit. Stay away from Lennox, or you won’t like what happens.”
Sophia knew better than to show any signs of emotion, but she worried. Her mother had never threatened her before. What is going on in my house?
“Sophia?” Her father’s sharp voice had her standing at attention.
“Yes, Father?” She stepped around Braxton’s broad back.
“Braxton, here is your new detail.”
Confusion hit her. “Detail? For what?”
“I’ve received a few threats, and I’d like to make sure you’re protected. He’ll be your shadow for a while.” With that short explanation, he began to walk away.