Page 51 of One Chance (Hogan Brothers 1)
“My sister.” She crossed her arms with impatience.
“How much will it take to make you go away?” Rebecca had tried bargaining with the young woman months ago, but she just wouldn’t leave well enough alone. That’s when she had come up with the idea of making threats against Sophia, getting Anthony worried enough he had hired protection for the brat.
She had intended on framing the shit standing before her; unfortunately, nothing worked out as planned. Although, after the accident, she still might be able to. She only had to get Elianna’s fingerprints in her own car. Find a way to make it look like she was trying to set them all up. Hurt Anthony for not sticking around, and Sophia for taking the life she never had.
“I told you from the beginning, I don’t want anything from your vile ass.”
Rebecca sneered at the woman, already planning her demise. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d blackmailed someone. Or taken a life. She only had to plant the seed of doubt in Anthony’s mind so he would start looking anywhere but at Rebecca.
We fall in love by chance, we stay in love by choice.
The smell of antiseptic, a loud beeping, and pain radiating through her entire body had Sophia trying to open her eyes. Fighting with her mind over where she was and what had happened.
As soon as a bright light hit her pupils, she moaned, slamming her lids shut again. The pain was unlike anything she’d felt before. Taking a few deep breaths, she tried moving her hands to shield her eyes from the brightness, but a sharp tug on her wrist had her hissing through her teeth.
Nox, she sighed.
“Don’t move, darlin’. I’ll get the nurse.” When she felt his hand on hers, she squeezed as tight as she could so he wouldn’t leave her. “Baby, I gotta get the nurse.” He sounded pained.
“Please stay,” she whispered, at least she thought she did. Her mouth moved, breath came out, but she didn’t hear the words.
“I got you, baby,” he whispered close to her ear. The heat from his body settled her panic. The hand holding hers played with her fingers, further calming her as a door opened and there was a loud rush of noise before quieting.
“Miss Bennett, glad to see you’re awake,” a woman said. “Can you open your eyes for me?”
She shook her head no, trying to say, “Too bright.” Nox must have heard her as he relayed the words.
“I’ll close these blinds,” was the reply.
The illumination shadowed by her lids was immediately quenched.
“Is that better?” she asked as Soph gingerly opened first one eyelid then the other.
“Yes.” Her voice was getting stronger.
“Mr. Hogan, perhaps you could get Miss Bennett some ice chips from the machine by the nurse’s station?” He looked torn at the request. Sophia nodded her head, and he left.
Once Nox was gone from the room, she looked to the nurse, asking, “What happened?”
“You don’t remember?” Sophia really had to think about it, but nothing was forthcoming. “You were in a car accident.”
Stunned, she took a moment to catalog her pain, associate it with an accident, and it all became clear. Braxton had picked her up, they were going back to Lennox’s house. Then, out of nowhere, glass and pain assaulted her entire body. Everything after that was black, unfortunately.
“Braxton?” she croaked.
“Sprained arm, whiplash, bruising. He’ll be fine.”
Relief swamped her. “And me?”
The cast on her wrist unmistakably stated it was broken. The worst of the pain was in her head and chest, though.
“You have a concussion and stitches in your right leg. Severe whiplash, the broken wrist. Your face was glued back together instead of stitched.”
“What!” she cried out. Glued?
“Sorry, hon, we didn’t think you’d want stitches. It’s only a couple of nicks along your jaw and neck.” Sophia calmed down, glad her skin hadn’t come off or something equally horrifying.