Page 43 of One Chance (Hogan Brothers 1)
“Let this shit heal then go see Ma,” he instructed his brother.
“Why you pushing that?” he asked Nox with the ice against his eye.
“Because even if she doesn’t know what’s going on, maybe she can still talk your dumb ass into some common sense before something worse happens to you.”
Leaving the room, he went in search of his girl. Finding her in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in hand and eggs on the burner, he knew she was concerned when she didn’t so much as look up at his entrance.
“Hey, baby,” he cooed in her ear. Having her body dwarfed by his was such a turn-on. He couldn’t get enough of the sight they presented together. Watching her in the mi
rror after his shower, seeing the astonished look on her face when he made her open her eyes had him hard enough to pound nails.
And he would have, if not for fucking Levi.
“Is he alright?” she asked him, cuddling into his hold.
“Not a clue.” Breathing her scent in was far more appealing than talking about his battered sibling.
A loud pop had Sophia racing from his hold to check the food she had on the burner. Turning, he took a sip of her coffee, grimacing at the sweet taste. “Way too much sugar,” he commented as she plated the eggs she made and some toast. “You’re allergic to eggs,” he pointed out needlessly as she walked to the living room. “Where’s mine?” he called after her.
“That was yours,” she laughed.
“Bastard brother,” he cursed again.
“They’re burnt,” she told him when she saw he was sulking. “You’ll get more.”
Having her in his home, cooking his food, was a sight he could get used to. If he had his way, they’d remain like this forever.
His phone ringing broke him from admiring her yet again. He was beginning to think living in the pre-technology era wouldn’t be so bad.
“What?” he snapped into the receiver.
“Yo, boss, that bitch is back,” Mac greeted.
“What bitch?” He was confused.
“Your girl’s mom. She’s going at Asher. This shit ain’t gonna end well.” Mac sounded like he was fighting off laughter.
While Asher was a pretty quiet guy, his intensity told another story. All was not well in his world, and as much as he’d like to let the man go at the bitch Bennett, his conscience wouldn’t allow for it. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Hanging up before Mac could respond, he looked at a curious Sophia. “I’ve gotta get to work, baby.”
“Give me five, and I’ll be ready.” She gave him a bright smile.
He hated what his words were going to do to that radiance. “I need you to stay here today, Soph. Something is going on I have to deal with.”
“Oh.” Her smile faded. “What is it?”
“There’s someone there right now. She’s causing a fuss. I don’t want you around that.” He was omitting the truth, and he felt horrible.
“My mother?” Her perceptive question made him kind of sad for her. Imagining what she’d had to deal with growing up to even think that was who the problem was.
“I’ll come.”
She was gone before he could say a word of protest.
Planting his hands on his hips, his tilted back, he blew out a breath, mumbling, “This really isn’t going to end well,” before following her upstairs to finish dressing.
The drive to Lennox’s shop was short and quiet after they got Levi settled in the spare room to rest. Time Sophia needed to gather her resolve and fortify any cracks in her composure. She knew as soon as her mother saw her, the insults and accusations would fly. All the guys she’d worked so hard to get to like her would hear the lies, and she would become tainted again. As much as the idea made her sick to her stomach, she knew she had to take a stand against Rebecca. Having Nox by her side gave her the strength she was going to need to come to terms with the eventual loss of her parent.