Page 32 of One Chance (Hogan Brothers 1)
She felt him watching her as she ate up every small and large feature of his house. She knew he thought she would be upset or disgusted by the modesty of it, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. It was a perfect two story structure. Not so big you couldn’t find someone, not so small that you would run over each other while going from room to room.
As she watched the door lift, he slowly rolled the vehicle into the open space. The garage was undeniably his baby. It was like a lover for his car. All the tools and materials he would need to make just this one vehicle to his every specification were organized here. Or so she assumed as she knew nothing about cars.
“I know it’s no mansion,” he said as the car shut off.
Without looking at him, she replied honestly. “It’s better.” Climbing from the car, she walked to the door leading into the house. As he unlocked it, she preceded him, with his hand on her back, into a large mud room filled to the brim with more jackets than she was sure he needed.
Smiling over her shoulder at him, he had a sheepish look on his face. “Let’s get you out of these, shall we?” He helped her slip free of the coveralls.
Guiding her through more of his home, she was delighted to see so many personal touches throughout while also keeping it sort of…plain. Untouched almost. Like he was waiting for a woman’s flair.
Nox was trying to see his house through her eyes as she inspected the pictures he’d hung or the few knickknacks he had on shelves. What he saw was kind of sad.
A home without the warmth.
His plan had always been to have the home and let his woman do her thing when she moved in. Now, he almost wished he’d put some sort of personal touches other than pictures.
She didn’t comment, though, and he knew she wouldn’t. His Soph was too polite to tell him he needed color to brighten things up. That his enormous TV wasn’t needed.
“Have you lived here long?” she asked, and he couldn’t help laughing at her question.
Pulling her into his embrace, he kissed her lightly, answering, “A few years. It’s a bachelor pad, isn’t it?”
Her hands smoothing along his sides were more erotic than she probably intended. “A little bit.”
Leading her to a stool at the breakfast nook, he pulled them each a bottled water from the fridge. Twisting the cap off hers, he handed it to her.
Both were quiet as they processed their thoughts. He knew he had to tell her about her mother and Braxton showing up, but honestly, he didn’t want the spark in her eyes dimmed more than it had been.
“Your mother and Braxton showed up,” he finally spat out.
“Oh.” She stared at him expectantly.
“I banned your mom from the shop.”
Shock had her mouth forming the perfect ‘O’ as she said, “She must have loved that.”
“I think it’s the first time anyone has ever made her do anything.” He smiled, remembering Rebecca’s shock.
“What did Braxton say?” She sounded worried.
“Before or after I accused him of wanting to sleep with you?” He smirked. Nox had no doubt any man with eyes wanted between her legs. Her innocence combined with her beauty would have any male drooling. Hell, he had been for days.
“He does not,” she scoffed. Sophia really had no idea of her attractiveness which made her all that more alluring.
“Yeah, gorgeous, he does. Aside from that, I think he’s remorseful for the things he said to you, and as much as it galls me to say, I do believe he cares about you.”
“He has a funny way of showing it,” she mumbled into her water.
“Which brings us back to what exactly happened today, Soph?” There was more going on than the argument she’d had with Braxton.
“It’s stupid.” She shrugged it off.
“I hate that you think you or anything involving you is stupid. Soph, something upset you. Talk to me,” he demanded.
Sighing, her eyes darted around the room before coming back to land on him as she picked at the label on the bottle. “Dad’s been avoiding me. So I was waiting in his office this morning. Braxton caught me.” Nox watched as she took a few fortifying breaths. “When you dropped me off last night, she was on me.” Soph didn’t have to explain who she was. “She said some things. Really nasty things, and it made me wonder. I had questions only he could answer. Except, when I called out to him this morning, he ignored me. Which isn’t normally like him. I know he’s cold and aloof, but with me, he’s always had a soft spot. Though, the past few years, he’s grown colder. Which makes me wonder if my mother’s claims are true. Maybe I am just that unlovable and useless.” The last few words were spoken so quietly and with so much hurt that his own heart constricted.
Walking around the bar to her, he pulled her into his arms again. “You’re not, Soph. I wish I could make you see you the way I do, the way Ma does.” Rocking her in his arms, for the first time in his life, he felt helpless. Someone was after her, and yet, he couldn’t help there. Her mother insulted and demeaned her every chance she got, and he still couldn’t help with that, either.