Page 23 of One Chance (Hogan Brothers 1)
Nox: You think Rebecca could be behind the threats?
Levi: I wouldn’t be shocked. That bitch has her claws into a few wealthy men. Makes me wonder what she sees in you ;)
Nox: Thanks for that. Let me know if you hear anything else.
Levi: Anytime bro.
Nox was reeling. It was hard to imagine a mother hating her child so much that she’d threaten her.
Now he was even more worried about her.
Nox: Sugar, you there?
He watched the phone as though she would magically start typing.
Nox: I’m worried about you. Please answer.
He wasn’t above begging for what he needed from her. Especially about her health and well-being. He sat and stared, waiting for what felt like a lifetime before the little bubbles appeared that she was typing.
“Thank God,” he muttered.
When her phone beeped, Sophia wasn’t ashamed to admit she hid under her blankets. All she could think of was the threatening texts she’d gotten earlier. When it had gone off again, she chewed the nails off of one hand in record time. If her mother saw, she’d kill her.
It was the third chime that had her finally grabbing it and daring a quick look. Lennox’s name flashed like a beacon across the screen. All the pain she’d been swamped with fell away as if it were never there. Seeing his messages, she was quick to answer.
Sophia: Sorry! I was getting ready for bed. I had a good time too.
He was quick to answer.
Lennox: Good. I look forward to the next one. I have plans in motion already!
Sophia: Care to tell me?
For the first time she could remember, she felt carefree. The feeling was addicting.
Lennox: It’s a secret…
Sophia: Didn’t your mama tell you secrets aren’t nice? :p
Lennox: She told me only the best ones are ;)
Sophia: Ohhhh I wonder what it could be…
Lennox: LOL nice try sweet Sophia. Get some rest beautiful, and I’ll see you soon.
Sophia: Goodnight Lennox.
Putting the phone on her night table, she pulled the blanket up around her chin, feeling warm instead of cold. Feelings of being wanted were so drastically different from what she normally felt that it was hard to come to terms with it.
As sleep tried to take her, she heard her parents fighting from down the hall again. She couldn’t register the words exchanged, but the anger and hatred were just as telling. She could never understand why they were still together when they hated each other so much.
Pushing them from her mind, she latched onto the way Lennox had made her feel coming apart in his embrace with only soft touches. The glow of his praise swept her off to see the sandman before long, and for the first time in years, she had a peaceful sleep.
Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.
Only thirty-six more hours until Nox could see Soph again. He didn't like the time apart. Not seeing her and knowing for himself that she was okay was messing with his concentration once again.