Page 16 of One Chance (Hogan Brothers 1)
The thought made her giggle.
“What’s so funny?” he asked her.
Still too shy to give him honesty, she said, “Nothing,” before leading the way from her room. Amazed that he cared about her enough to stay with her in her time of need.
“What are we doing?” she asked as they descended the long staircase to the front door. Relief swamped her when neither of her parents intruded on them.
“Well, I thought we could go to some Italian restaurant my mother recommended downtown.” She looked down at her clothes, her light purple sundress was wrinkled and not at all date material. Indecision had her looking back up the stairs. “But then I thought…” He ignored her look as he pulled her into his arms. He was always doing that. “I’d love nothing more than a nice picnic in the park. To see your beautiful eyes light up under the stars.”
Her gaze widened at his sweet talk. No one had said such nice things to her before. “Oh my,” she whispered in awe.
His charming smile drew her attention to the small dimple in one cheek as he leaned down to lightly kiss her lips. “Mmmm,” he moaned pulling away. “So soft. So sweet.” His words made her blush.
Not waiting a second longer, he guided her to his beautiful red car in the driveway. He clearly took pride in the machine with how spotless it was. Or maybe he cleaned it up for her? The thought had butterflies in her stomach going wild.
“I have a dress this same color,” she whispered, running a delicate finger along the hood.
Leaning into her back, he grumbled in her ear, “One day, I’ll have you splayed out on top of the hood in that very dress.” Her eyes closed at the tantalizing thought. “My head buried between your lush thighs.” She froze in anticipation of his next words. “My name spilling from your delicious lips into the night.” Her head went dizzy with lust as he helped her sit and buckled her in.
A smirk graced his face as he walked around the hood of the car to enter the driver’s side. Clearly pleased with himself, the car started with a loud rumble before they were off to some unknown destination.
All she could think about was the picture he’d painted in her mind.
He wouldn’t really do it, would he?
Fuck me six ways from Sunday. Why did you do that to yourself, Nox? The picture he’d painted of Sophia spread out on the hood of his car was all he could think about now. Her naked pussy wide open for his tasting pleasure, her cries in the night air for his ears only. It was an image he would have to make sure happened. He couldn’t not experience that with her. He suddenly wished he’d allowed her to go back inside to change.
She wasn’t ready for that yet, though. She was barely ready for him crashing into her life. He doubted she could handle all the depraved things he’d like to do to her on their first date. He’d have to warm her up to the idea of surrendering her pleasure to him. Of taking everything he had to give her without giving it back. It was all he wanted to do, he wanted her in a permanent state of orgasmic bliss before he took anything for himself.
When she’s ready, Nox. He had to keep reminding himself of that. He had no clue what was going on with her at home, but he intended to find out on their date. She was single-handedly the shyest person he’d ever met. Not just people shy either, but life shy. Like she expected the world to kick her in the teeth at every turn. He hated seeing that.
The quiet in the car was screwing with his mind. While he knew she wasn’t like any other woman he’d been with, she had to be the quietest woman he’d ever met.
“What do you like to do for fun, sugar?” His question seemed to startle her.
“Fun?” she asked like it was a foreign concept.
“Yeah, fun. What do you do to relax? Kill time? Fun.” His eyes darted between her and the road as she contemplated his question like he’d asked her to solve the Big Bang Theory.
“Oh, umm, I read sometimes. I volunteer at charities.” Her response sounded more like questions than answers.
“You asking me, sugar, or telling me?” He smiled at her, hoping to get one in return.
No such luck.
“Telling?” Again, like a question.
“Soph.” It was hard to imagine such a sweet creature like her not having something for herself. “What about friends? Do you like shopping with them, maybe a weekly lunch?”
“Friends…” The word sounded foreign on her tongue even to him. As though she rarely said it.
He remained quiet the rest of the drive, all the while watching her. Trying to gauge her mood to what he’d asked. He thought, for sure, it was a safe topic. Now he wondered even more about what the hell happened in her house.
They drove in silence to the park, his mind going a million miles a minute. There was so much about her that he thought he knew, and unfortunately, he had misjudged her because of who she was. Now, he had to make up for it. Get to know the real her, find out who she was, what made her tick.
From the corner of his eye, he watched her fingers fidget in her lap, giving away her nerves. Pulling her hand into his, he placed it on his thigh with his own overlapping it. Rubbing slow circles along the side of her wrist, he felt her finally relax.
“What, um, what do you like to do for fun?” she quietly asked him. A blush crept up her cheek, and he fucking loved it.