Page 11 of One Chance (Hogan Brothers 1)
Now, she wished for so many things, she didn’t even know where to start. Lennox had a rough, hard exterior, but with her, he was soft and kind. He made her want things she’d never thought about.
Leaving Sophia in that house with that vile woman made Nox wish she wouldn’t have freaked out if he’d taken her with him. He could almost count the minutes they’d spent in each other’s company, and already, he was hooked. She was his drug of choice, and nothing else would do.
As he drove back to his shop, he thought of all the things he could do with her on their date. Then he thought of all the things she would actually like to do with him. His mother might be useful to recruit for help on it. After leaving her house the day before, he knew she had wanted one of them to click with Sophia when they met her. There was no doubt in his mind about it. She was constantly pestering each of them to meet a girl, settle down, give her some grandbabies. Undoubtedly, she had now taken it upon herself to play cupid.
Since she wanted to be a matchmaker, he’d put her to use. Clicking the Bluetooth on his phone, he called her number, hoping she would be home and not at one of her many card clubs she went to since his father’s passing.
“Lennox, dear. What a lovely surprise.” Her voice was cheerful, knowing. She’d been expecting to hear from him since his abrupt departure aft
er Soph left.
“Hey, Ma, how you doing?” He’d worm his way into her helping if he had to.
“Oh, cut the bull, Lennox. What do you need?” She always could see right through them.
“I went and seen Soph today,” he began.
She, of course, had to interrupt him. “That’s wonderful, dear. Tell me the wicked witch of the west hasn’t hurt her.” She had his full attention now.
“What do you mean hurt her, Ma?” Rebecca was a total cunt, but he had a hard time believing she would do anything harmful towards another human. Then again, looks could be deceiving. He knew that better than most.
“Not physically, dear, calm your horses down. Her words can cut sharper than any knife, though. Sometimes poor Sophia comes here looking so sad and lost.” That didn’t make him feel any better.
“Son of– “
“Don’t you dare say it, Lennox,” she warned before he could finish his sentence.
“Sorry, Ma. Look, I do need your help, though. With two things.” He was hoping she could find out more about what Soph’s father did, and why she might be in danger.
“How can I help?”
“I’m taking Soph out tomorrow. Any ideas what she’d like?”
“A picnic!” she shot back immediately. He should have expected something of the sort.
“Okay, great. Chances you’ll put that together are…?” Fingers crossed.
“I have the perfect idea!” Thank God.
“Now, the other thing…she has a bodyguard, Ma.” Her sharp intake of breath indicated her shock.
“What for?” Fear was evident in her voice.
“That’s the thing, all she knows is that her father has been getting some threats. I was hoping you could talk to some of Dad’s old army buddies, maybe they can dig something up?”
“Of course! I’ll call Sophia this afternoon, see how she’s doing. Maybe I can convince her to come to knitting club tomorrow.” The thought made the older woman happy.
“Sure, Ma, just don’t come on too strong, will ya?” False hope he knew.
“Yeah, yeah, gotta go. Love you!” Barely giving him time to say goodbye and she was gone.
Back at the shop, he figured he might as well enlist his younger brothers’ help as well. “Levi, Loch, in my office!”
He didn’t see them in the bay but knew they’d hear him and come. It wasn’t often he called to them for a meeting. Barely past the doorway and they came crashing through like a barrel of monkeys.
“’Sup?” they asked at the same time.
“What is with you two? You suddenly become twins or what?” They hated when he asked them that. As close as they all were, they each despised being compared to the other.