Page 8 of His Secret Sin
Even as he wanted to take his gun out and shoot his father, he didn’t. For all of his faults, his father had stepped down at the right time for him to take his place. Not many capos do that, at least not in his experience.
“What is it, Father?” he asked.
“We need to talk, son. Follow me.”
He could ignore his father and just go to bed. Instead, he followed his father. After years of obedience, Diego thought he’d be over this shit by now, but it seemed no matter where he turned, he was always following his father in some way. He couldn’t really question the old man’s decisions. It was because of him that he’d lived a particularly long and healthy life.
“So, what is it you want?” Diego asked, going straight for the hard liquor in the office.
Diego was the only son to Antonio and Francesca, and after he was born what followed was years of miscarriages and stillborn babies until, eventually, they stopped trying for more. His father had found comfort in other women, and Diego knew for a fact some of those women had given birth. He had bastard brothers and sisters running around the world, but he hadn’t gone to seek them out. They had a whole other life away from here, away from him and the chaos it meant to be in this world.
On another day, he wouldn’t give a fuck, but tonight he was tempted by the outside world. Where their lives were not controlled by a Boss and he could make his own decisions, which he knew were limited right now.
His father still hadn’t spoken, so Diego looked at him just before downing his hard drink in one gulp.
“Come on, what has you not only in my house, but also commanding me to do your bidding?”
“It’s nearly time,” Antonio said.
“What is?”
“For another wife to be found for you. You know this day would come. This city needs a wife, and you need an heir.”
Diego laughed. “Remember what happened the last time you meddled and got me a wife? She was nothing more than a treacherous bitch.”
“That was a mistake.”
“It was a mistake that could have cost me my life, and this fucking city.” He slammed the glass down. Rarely did he raise his voice to his father, but this was one thing he wouldn’t be pushed around over. Not at forty years old.
“Diego, you know it is the only way. As capo you have a responsibility, and everyone is counting on you to get it right.”
“Fuck getting it right. I don’t want to get it right.” He paced toward the window, overlooking the large expanse of garden. The main office was always placed in the back. There was a hidden wall filled with weapons, so it also allowed them to escape or to fight depending on how surrounded and covered they were. Diego had never once backed down from a fight, but he’d also never turned his back on his duty either.
“Diego, I know this is hard.”
“You’ve already found her, haven’t you?” Diego asked, turning to look at his father. There was only one reason his father would be here in the flesh and not send some kind of summons, and that was because as far as they were concerned, they’d found the perfect woman for him, or at least the right woman.
“You know what is expected of you. Our duty dictates what we can and cannot have. It has already been decided. You’re going to be marrying Charlotte Durante.”
Diego stared at his father, more pissed off now than he’d ever been in his life. His father normally didn’t get pissed off or angry. He simply allowed life to take its course. After killing the barman tonight though, Diego wanted more blood, and it had yet to be sated.
“She’s eighteen years old.” Charlotte Durante was an … outcast in most regards. Her mother was the first outsider to ever marry into their mafia world, and in doing so, she’d made sure all of her children would be considered outcasts. Of course, for her sons, they didn’t care. They would inherit, and they’d proven their worth time and time again. The Durantes were fierce, loyal, and fucking crazy.
Charlotte, the oldest daughter, had always been pushed out at the parties and social gatherings that were required.
On a personal level, he didn’t give a fuck where she came from or who. All the old-fashioned shit of marrying who they were ordered to never sat well with him, even now.
“And why is this?” Diego asked. “She’s a kid.”
“You know we marry young, Diego. She has a lot of years in her, and the boss is hoping you’ll understand that you need an heir soon. We won’t be taking no for an answer on this.”
Gritting his teeth, he watched his father move toward the door.