Page 70 of His Secret Sin
“Then we take the fight to him. I’m not going to sit around waiting for shit to happen. Find him. You know where his hideouts are. There is enough evidence here for you to at least narrow down the search.”
“What about the Russians?” Richard asked.
“We’ll deal with them as well. We don’t fuck around with shit like this. Find Angelo. I’ll take care of him. His ass-whooping has been long overdue.” He turned to look at his father. “I’m taking Belle to see her father.”
“That’s not a good idea.”
“I know my woman, Dad. She needs to go and see him, and I trust her.”
“And if she can’t keep her fucking mouth closed? You’ve got what it takes to kill her, son?”
“I’ve got what it takes to deal with her. I trust her. The next time you send Charlotte to go and talk to her, I kill her, understand?” He turned on his heel and left the room. Richard could find Angelo at any time so now he had to work fast.
Belle was still on the bed.
“Are we still going to see him?”
“Yes, but we’ve got to make this trip quick. Richard’s looking for Angelo as we speak.” He grabbed some of his spare clothes.
He needed to get some clothes from Belle’s apartment. He’d been dressing her in his stuff. He liked seeing her walking around in his shorts and shirt.
As he grabbed a shirt, he paused.
This had to work. He had to deal with Angelo before his cousin hurt Belle. Anyone else he didn’t give a fuck about, but Belle was his responsibility and he needed to take care of her. He wasn’t entirely convinced of Richard’s plan, but it was the best one they had, and seeing as they had no other way of finding Angelo, he had to be used as the bait.
Dressing Belle quickly, he threw on a suit. He made her lift up on his back. It was going to be faster than actually guiding her.
He left his home, placing her in the car and climbing behind the wheel. His men were already climbing into the spare car to follow him. He didn’t give them any other direction. Pulling out of the driveway, he began the journey toward the hospital.
“I hate hospitals.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, when my mom got sick, her last days were spent in the hospital. She had a private room, and I know my dad tried to make it like home, but it wasn’t the same. You could see her fading with every passing second. Have you been in a lot of hospitals?”
“What happens when you get hurt?”
“We pay a doctor to come and tend our wounds.”
“But if it’s serious?”
“If it’s serious and you’re important, you’ll go to the hospital. Otherwise, you’ll deal with the pain.”
“That sounds awful.”
“It’s fine.”
“Diego, what happens if I don’t get pregnant?” she asked.
“I’m not going to marry Charlotte. I want you, and there’s no way I would put what we have at risk for a deal.”
“A deal?”
“This arranged marriage brings the family closer.”
“Why not do a business deal then? Like a merger. Is there something you and her father have that you could both compromise on?” Belle asked.
“You don’t want to share me either?”
“No, I don’t want to share you. I’m still pissed that you lied to me, and I’m not happy about it. If I can help … keep you, I will.”
“Are you trying to tell me you love me?” he asked.
Belle was silent, and he glanced over at her. Her head was facing him, but he knew she couldn’t see him. Her teeth were nibbling on her lip. “Yes.”
“I didn’t hear that.”
She burst out laughing. “You dork. You did hear that, and you know I do. I love you. It’s what made finding out about Charlotte so much harder. She also seems really nice.”
“She is in fact nice.”
“You don’t want her?”
“No. When it comes to Charlotte, I don’t feel anything for her.”
“She told me you didn’t even hold her hand.”
“I told you plenty of times. There’s no one else I want other than you. I don’t want to hold Charlotte’s hand or kiss her cheek, or have anything more to do with her than is necessary. I fell hard for you, Belle Johnson, and you have ruined me for all other women.”
She had this glorious smile on her face. “I’m not going to complain about that. I rather like that I ruined you.”
“I bet you do.”
She put her hand on his thigh. “Please tell me I’m holding your leg?”
“You are.”
“Good. Good. I didn’t want you to think of it as a come on.”
“It’s not?”
“We’re on the way to see my dad. I don’t want you to be hard when we walk into the room.”
“It’s probably the most action he’s ever seen.”
“Hey, don’t be mean. He’s never really gotten over my mom. He loved her so much, and when he spoke his vows of being with her forever, he meant them. Every single word.”