Page 2 of His Secret Sin
He wouldn’t allow that to happen.
Angelo was a fucking spoiled little prick who didn’t know how to run anything. What he was able to do was gather rumors, hear gossip, and use it against his enemies. Each time Angelo thought he was getting dirt on him, Diego made sure to hit back. There was nothing he had to hide from The Boss.
He was powerful.
He never kept secrets, and he sure as fuck never made any mistakes. That’s because he never allowed himself to get close to anyone. The men he associated with were not close friends. They were all in the same boat, and that boat could come crashing down at any moment.
Once he was caught up on all of his emails, he pocketed his cell phone and stared out the window.
When night fell over the city, the true darkness of life came out to play. He saw prostitutes on street corners, trying to get their punters for the night. Men walking the streets, looking to either score, or in the process of making deals.
Back alleys were not where the innocent should come, as it would ruin them. He’d done a lot of damage himself over the years. It’s what made him a little different from other capos who ran their city. Where some were more than happy to have other men go and grab who they wanted, bring them back, and then torture them, he liked to do all of his torturing himself.
This not only dealt with the monster inside him, but it also made sure all of his men knew he was the one in charge. If they stepped out of line, they dealt with him and only him.
He didn’t have time for traitors, and all of them were tortured and killed, their bodies disappearing just as they were supposed to.
After the fuck, he still wasn’t happy. Usually when he was with Jane, she helped him to at least tame the beast within him. Now, he felt more wired than ever before. He should have known she’d fucking spoil things by thinking there was more between them than there ever would be.
With The Boss breathing down his neck, he knew marriage was inevitable. The wars that were raging needed to be dealt with. Every passing year they were all getting older, and as much as he didn’t want to get married, he needed an heir.
The car came toward the club, and he didn’t wait for his driver to climb out and open his door. He slid out, poised and always ready in case one of his enemies were lurking in the darkness. They never came out during the day. Most of them were fucking cowards.
Stepping inside the club, he ignored the women who smiled his way. Some of them were employees who were hoping to climb up the social ladder in their world, and of course to warm his bed.
He didn’t need any more bed warmers, and no woman slept in his bed. His place was always off limits. The women he used were always put in either an apartment of his choice, or a hotel, again of his choice. They followed his rules and did exactly as he said. If they couldn’t follow that, then they had one nice, good fuck and were gone.
There was a city, no, a world full of women, and he intended to enjoy every single one of them. If some didn’t comply, there were always replacements.
The heavy beat of the music grated on his nerves.
Leaving the main floor, he took the staff exit and made his way up toward his office, to see his security guy, the man who tried to call himself friend but Diego never made that distinction. Richard Cartwright was a security specialist. He worked with the best up-to-date technology, but he also knew there were some dangers out there that required human interference, so he offered bodyguards as well.
The only security Diego wanted was the specialist kind.
“Why are you in my office?” Diego asked.
“You do realize friends hang out with each other?” Richard turned from the screens showcasing the main club and stood beside the desk.
“And we’re not friends,” Diego said.
“Okay, if you want to keep on saying that.”
He was starting to think Richard was dropped on his head as a baby. No matter how many times he tried to dissuade the man, he kept on coming back for more. He still hadn’t cracked, and his suspicions were raised the second time Richard attempted to be friends. After a thorough background check, being followed, checking his routine personally, Diego had come to one conclusion: Richard was lonely.
“Business is booming, but you might want to check on the barman. I’ve been here for twenty minutes, and I’ve seen him serve a teenager, and also sell drugs to four women, and even a few men. The cops will be all over this place, especially as there have been a string of date rape cases in the clubs.”