Page 16 of His Secret Sin
Her father hated her apartment, but for her, it helped to make her self-sufficient. She already had to call him to let him know she intended to purchase a guide dog. She was on the waiting list, but each time one came up, she always passed it along to the next person in line. She was still mourning her first one, but that was silly and she really needed to get over her pain.
Like she had told Diego a couple of weeks ago.
Had it been a couple of weeks since she last spoke to him? He’d not been by the restaurant in some time. There was no lingering scent of his cologne, which she was saddened by as she found his scent rather nice.
“I told you I was a horrible human being. Why can’t you forgive me?”
“I have forgiven you, otherwise I wouldn’t have given you five hundred dollars for the pair of shoes you just had to have, nor would I be sitting with you right now.” She shrugged.
“Then please, come to the bar with me.”
“Not going to happen, sweetheart. You abandoned me, in a club that I don’t know.” She hadn’t told Melanie she’d forgiven her so quickly because of a certain Diego Leoni. She’d not even told her father either. Diego was like her little secret. The moment she told anyone, they would all judge her, and she didn’t want that.
Her father would want to meet anyone who showed an interest in her. He was always so protective, and most times, she loved it, she really did. Not with Diego though.
He was a mystery, and so far, none of their interactions had resulted in large donations of money to his current venture. Not that she’d ever given huge amounts of money away. Her father would be pissed if he knew how much Melanie asked for on a regular basis. She had probably funded all of Melanie’s branded shoe collection, or at least that’s what she was told. She rarely wore heels as it was a danger to her.
She only granted herself that pleasure when she was sure of her escort, and that they were happy to keep hold of her.
Her thoughts drifted to Diego.
She hoped he was okay. Their last meeting he’d seemed distracted.
“I told you every single detail though.”
“Even when I begged you not to,” Belle said. “I don’t need to know about your sex life. It’s your sex life.”
“Yeah, and if you actually trusted me, you’d have a sex life.”
“I’m not going to have sex with a random guy. I’m not comfortable with that.”
“You do realize you live in the twenty-first century, right? Guys want girls who put out fast and easy. You won’t even make the cut if he can’t get it in your pants.”
“Make the cut?”
“There are so many women out there to compete with.”
“Well, for the right guy, you don’t have to compete.”
“You’re still spilling the same old crap about your mom and dad.”
“It’s not crap. They met, fell in love, and lived happily ever after.”
“Your mother died, Belle.”
Belle paused on the way into the kitchen. “You’re being meaner than normal. Next time, find someone else to beg for money.”
She walked into the kitchen, counting the steps to the sink. She reached out, feeling for the tap, jumping as Melanie wrapped her arms around her waist.
“I’m sorry. Okay, I love going out with you, and it’s not me trying to be a bitch. I want you to meet new people as well. Have a life. Isn’t that why we came out here? For us both to have a lot of fun.”
“Oh, I know all about fun.”
“Singing karaoke is not fun.”
“Is not fun to you, maybe. I like it. I know this is hard for you to understand, but I happen to really like my life.”
“And what if coming back to the bar, you’ll meet the right guy?”
“You’re going to the same bar as last time?” Belle asked. Her thoughts instantly returned to Diego.
She wasn’t a stalker. She didn’t go around begging men for attention.
Diego wasn’t just any man though.
No, she wouldn’t go to him.
The temptation was so strong.
“Come on, I even brought you a nice dress to complement those fantastic curves. Come on, what do you have to lose? This could be so much fun.”
She nibbled on her lip.
“Afterward, you can even take me to Mary’s,” Melanie said.
“You know I only take special people to Mary’s. You can’t go there. There’s no way you can order a cheeseburger with no fat and salt.”
Melanie laughed. “That means you’re coming with me.”
“I’ll go to the bar, but you have to promise me you won’t leave me. You have to promise me, you’ll dance with me, and that I’ll have a good time, like you.”
“You got it.” Melanie hugged her tight. “We’re going tonight.”
“Wait, tonight?”
“It’s Friday. It’s one of the best times to go out. All of the edible bachelors are there.”