Page 9 of Possessive Neighbor
“Oh, sweetie, you ordered dinner. How thoughtful.” Grabbing the bags from Hope’s hands as I’m taking giant steps to get to her, Carla shocks me as she grabs my shirt and plants a kiss on my lips while slamming the door in Hope’s disappointed face.
I shove Carla away, not caring when she stumbles, nearly falling. “You fucking bitch. You ever come near me again, and I’ll arrest you for harassment and whatever else I can think of. Get the fuck out!”
Her face pales as she drops the food on the floor and rushes to her car, speeding away like a bat out of hell.
Scrubbing a rough hand down my face, I take a few calming breaths before rushing to Hope’s door, already knowing she’s not going to answer me.
“You ready, Hope?” Dr. Marley Valentine’s excited voice as she places the ultrasound wand on my belly has me nodding my head. Today is a day I’ve been excited about since finding out I was pregnant. Learning the sex of the baby is far more emotional than I expected.
“Yeah.” I share her smile. I’ve seen Dr. Valentine three times since Leslie and Miles passed because sometimes the feelings are overwhelming. She spent a lot of time learning about my condition and the circumstances of the pregnancy before we even met at the recommendation from my previous OB/GYN.
“Heartbeat is strong. Everything looks wonderful. Growth is perfect. You’re doing a wonderful job.” She takes picture after picture, pointing out the baby’s body parts and tracing the spine.
I don’t know how, but I fall so deeply in love with this baby in that moment that I begin to cry.
“Hey, what’s this? Peanut is great; you’re perfect. Everything is just as it should be.”
“Except it's without Leslie and Miles,” I whisper, and her face softens. Compassion, maybe? Or pity. I get a lot of pity from people.
“I didn’t know them, but I know they would be proud and grateful. Hold onto that.” I nod my head because she’s right. “Now, I know the sex. Are you ready to hear it?”
Closing my eyes, I take a few seconds to gather myself before she reveals it. “I’m ready.”
As she hands me a tissue, a considerable grin crosses her face. “You’re going to be the proud mother of a little girl.” Stunned, I have no idea what to say or do. My heart is full of happiness, and I really wish I’d asked Luca to come to this appointment with me.
An image of Reed flicks across my eyes before I can stop it, and I have to shake my head.
“A little girl,” I murmur, reaching a hand to touch the screen where I see her moving slightly.
“Do you want pictures?” I immediately nod, and the doctor hits a button. “I’ll give you a couple of minutes to get dressed and then meet you out front with them.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
As she closes the door, I sit up and hold my hands to my burgeoning belly. I’m having a girl. I can only imagine the excitement Leslie and Miles would have felt. They would have been happy with either, so long as the baby was healthy.
“I wish they could have gotten to meet you, sweet pea.” She moves at my words, and I like to think she recognizes my voice. I talk to her enough.
After getting dressed, I text Luca to tease him about knowing the sex. I know he’s on a bounty and won’t answer me for a while, but I hope he’ll be happy too.
Gathering the sonogram photos and pamphlets for some single parent groups, I head out to my car then stop off for the Chinese food I promised Reed in exchange for him building the shelf I didn’t really need but have now decided to put in the baby’s room. I also decide that I must tell him about the baby.
I can’t in good conscience continue on with him until he knows. I’m certain he’ll decide I’m not worth the trouble, and that’s okay. Not many men would sign on for a child that isn’t theirs, let alone one that isn’t the mother’s either. It’s a complicated situation, and for both of our sakes, he needs to know.
I’m pulling into my driveway a few minutes later and see a car parked in front of Reed’s side of the house. I hesitate for a minute before making my presence known, just in case he has company. Then deciding that he knows I'm coming, I knock on the door. I can let him know I have the food, and if he needs to cancel, that's fine.
I can hear Reed’s angry voice inside, followed by the door opening. A woman greets me, and I push back the emotion crawling up my throat.
“Carla,” I hear Reed growl out as he storms closer.
When she grabs the bags from my hands and purrs, “Oh, sweetie, you ordered dinner. How thoughtful.” I feel sick at the use of a pet name.
Something flickers across Reed’s face as he reaches us, but the woman pulls him down for a passionate kiss as she slams the door in my face.
I feel…