Page 19 of Possessive Neighbor
“They need a few minutes to examine her and get her set up to the fetal monitor.” My entire body freezes at her last two words.
“Fetal monitor?” I’m not sure they have the right person now.
“Yes. Miss Carson’s very concerned about the baby. We need to get her calmed down, and the best way is to let her hear your baby’s heartbeat.”
“Hope’s…pregnant?” How the fuck did I not know this?
The nurse looks worried now, obviously realizing I had no idea. “Err, yes. It won’t be long until you can see them. Have a seat over here.” She guides me to some waiting chairs, and I’m left to process the bombshell dropped in my lap.
A baby.
She’s having another man’s baby.
Who the fuck is he?
Where the fuck is he?
Why in the hell is he not in their lives?
She can’t belong to someone else. She is supposed to be mine. She has to be mine. I don’t think I can let her go. Not after this morning.
“Reed?” My head pops up at Luca’s voice as he rushes over. “What happened? Is Hope okay?” How much time has passed? I must look a mess.
“She's fine. I think. I’ve been sitting here, waiting…she’s pregnant.” I don’t finish my thought before those two words pop out again.
Luca looks guilty as he sits next to me; his friend—I still don’t know his fucking name—goes over to one of the coffee machines and drops some coins in.
“She is,” Luca confirms.
“You knew?”
“I did.”
“Fuck.” My hands dangle between my legs as I stare at the floor. “She’s supposed to be fucking mine.” I can’t get over that. I don’t want to let her go. “Where the fuck is this asshole? Why haven’t you called him? Why isn’t he fucking here?” I snap my questions out rapidly, my anger growing again.
“It’s not like that, Reed. You really need to talk to Hope about this.” I’m getting sick of him not answering my questions.
“You’ve been saying this since the day we fucking met, and yet, here I am, still waiting for fucking answers.”
“Reed Burkhart?” A nurse comes out with a chart in her hand.
“That’s me.” I stand and rush to her.
She gives a kind smile. “Miss Carson is ready to see you. The baby is fine, strong heartbeat, moving around like a champ. Miss Carson is bruised and banged up, no concussion, miraculously. She’ll be here overnight for observation but will likely go home tomorrow.” The woman explains all this as she walks me to Hope’s room.
I hesitate to enter because I don’t know where the fuck I fall in her life anymore.
My head feels like it’s been run through the spin cycle of a washer a few times, but from the minute I hear her little heartbeat, everything in me settles down. My chest loosens, my body relaxes, my heart beats just a little bit easier. And the pounding in my head ceases thumping through my veins.
I’m still tired. I’m still in agony. And I’m still emotional from everything that’s happened, but we’re okay, so I know everything else will fall into place.
Until the nurse informs me as she’s walking out of the room that she’s going to get Reed. Closing my eyes, I ball the blanket in my fists, slowly squeezing out my stress. When I hear the door open and close softly, a tear leaks from my eye.