Page 8 of Mr. & Mrs.: An Arranged Marriage Romance
“For as long as I can remember.”
“And so, this,” she waves her hand between us, “was so he wouldn’t sell the company, right?” We’d briefly discussed our reasons for this agreement on the beach earlier. Neither of us had gotten very heavily into the conversation, though.
“It was,” I confirm. “It’s become so much more for me since the arrangements were made, however.”
Her lips quirk like she’s about to grin, but then she frowns. “At the ceremony, I blurted out I was pregnant, and you looked like you were going to be sick. What changed?”
How do I answer a question I can’t explain?
“Honestly?” She nods. “I don’t know if I can describe it.” Megan seems uncertain as I recall the look on her face as she lifted the veil. “You had this look in your eyes. Sad, shy, nervous. They flickered like fireflies in the night. But it was the curiosity and mischief that hooked me.” I like the way she looks away when she’s shy. “When our hands touched, and I felt electrified, I was struck stupid. It wouldn’t have mattered what you had said then, I couldn’t have processed it properly. I was more shocked when your words registered than anything else.” I laughed thinking of the way my dad gave me shit. “It took a full minute for me to work through everything.”
“So, you don’t regret it, yet?”
“Yet?” Her insecurities continue to baffle me. “At all. Megan, I understand a few things about life. The biggest being, when you get nailed with attraction and need the way I was yesterday, you don’t pass it up.”
“Is that all this is, though? Attraction?”
This girl with her hard questions. “No. Am I attracted to you? Fuck, yes. Even a blind man would be. Still, it’s more than that. It’s the light in your eyes while you appreciate the ocean. The sway of your body when you’re relaxed. I especial love the tiny moans when I’m kissing you. The way you search me out when I stop touching you.”
“You sure notice a lot.”
She lightly laughs, prompting me to say, “It’s that soft laugh telling me you appreciate all the little things.”
She appears to be happy with all I’ve told her as we’re served our dinner, and the yacht launches from the dock. Served a traditional French Polynesian dinner of Sweet Tahitian Chicken cooked in peppers, pineapple, and served over rice. With Banana Po’e to finish the dish.
“This looks delicious,” Megan tells the waitress.
“All fabulous dishes of the Tahitian people.” The woman grins and walks away.
Cutting into the banana first, I offer Megan a bite off my fork and her expression encompasses both surprise and anticipation as she opens for me.
Her moan is full of ecstasy as she savors the exotic tastes on her pallet. “This is wonderful.”
Soon we’re both immersed in our dishes as a young man comes to the top deck we’re on and plays the ukulele while singing a mellow tune.
I have so many questions for Jordan as we enjoy our food; the spices bringing such flavor to each dish. I’ve never tasted anything so mouth-watering, but I’m afraid to insult him.
The music plays, dessert is served, and chilled wine is placed in front of us. Jordan’s quiet, “We’re expecting,” stuns me. He keeps saying we, us, ours, and each time, I get butterflies in my stomach from it. He doesn’t hesitate to claim my baby.
The waitress walks away with a huge grin and the wine, and Jordan’s got this look in his molten eyes. “What did you do?” I ask.
“We’re getting something different.”
He has a twinkle in his gaze.
Tapping my fingers on the table, I pretend to be angry, but the aromas from the banana pie and what looks like donuts only they’re shaped like Twinkies entices me. Taking a bite from the donut-like treat, the mix of sugar and coconut burst like fireworks on my tongue.
“Oh my god.” I can’t keep the groan quiet.
My eyes pop open when I feel Jordan’s warm hand gliding on the bare flesh of my thigh. He whispers, “You’ll moan like that for me real soon, Mag-pie.” Our eyes meet, and I see nothing but lust shining back at me.
I’m not sure what to do so I take another bite of the dessert, and as I’m swallowing, he asks, “You gonna share that?” I look to his plate and back again. Seeing it’s full, I’m about to say something when his lips crash down on mine. He holds nothing back this time, nipping and licking my lips until I open for him. His tongue delves deep, tasting every crevice and surface. His arms wrap me tight to his body as he deepens the kiss.
Wanting to play with him, I bite his tongue then suck on it, eliciting a feral groan from him when I don’t let go. He tastes of the delectable dishes we’ve just finished, and I want more.
“Scrumptious,” he breathes out, pulling back slightly.