Page 4 of Mr. & Mrs.: An Arranged Marriage Romance
“You’re not doing this alone, Megan. I’ll be here every step of the way.”
Stunned, I stare stupidly at him.
I know we’re married now, and maybe it hasn’t quite sunk in that he has not only married me but my baby, too. I guess I just didn’t expect him to step up the way a real father should.
The rest of the flight remains quiet as Megan falls asleep against me. Seeing her, speaking to her, I know I’ve made the right choice in our honeymoon destination.
Bora Bora in the spring is supposed to be perfectly temperate. I rented us a hut on the beach overlooking the lagoon, so we’ll be isolated to do as we please, however we please.
Being attracted to Megan is a plus in my book. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do if I didn’t find her appealing, but watching her walk down the aisle, I’d known immediately that we would have chemistry. The fact she feels it as well is a bonus.
Feeling her in my arms at this moment, an obsessive need to completely make her mine overtakes me. I don’t just want her to be my wife, I want her to be my partner. I want her to love me as much as I know I’m going to love her. I realize she’s carrying another man’s child, but all I see it as is an extension of her. I already know I won’t take Megan until she’s ready, and that just might test every ounce of my control, but earning her trust is so much more important.
Knowing the doubts she has about her parents, the lack of love and trust, I understand I’ll have my work cut out for me where she is concerned. I’m thinking I might have to extend our honeymoon past the two days I’d planned. She needs to see me as a person and not just the man she was forced into marrying.
Admiring the sun on the horizon as it dips below the skyline, I pull her closer to me and decide to get some shut-eye myself. Once she sees our sleeping quarters, I have a feeling I might have a fight on my hands.
I’m looking forward to it.
I feel myself being carried, but all I care about is the warmth and comfort surrounding me as I remain halfway between waking and sleeping. I was having a wonderful dream about Jordan. How he loved both my child and me. Treated the baby like his own. Loved me like we’d known each other forever.
I’m trying incredibly hard not to get my hopes up where he’s concerned. What if it’s just the honeymoon stage? What if when we get home, he decides he doesn’t actually want a ready-made family? I have so many doubts and fears that my head is spinning and soon, my stomach will be revolting.
“Put me down,” I mumble, jumping from his arms. Seeing the beauty around me, I forget for a second that my belly is upset. Admiring the gentle waves of the lagoon just steps away from our feet, I’m horrifyingly reminded of the tumultuous feeling as the contents of my stomach come barreling forward in all my embarrassing glory.
Dropping to my knees in the perfect white sand as I tarnish its pristineness, I can feel hot tears scorching my cheeks. Shockingly, I also feel Jordan’s hand running soothingly along my back while his other holds my hair out of the way. He doesn’t say anything, only supports me while I make a fool of myself.
As my stomach settles again, quiet overtakes us in the tranquil night. The light breeze cools my overheated body as Jordan helps me to my feet. Wiping my mouth in a very unladylike fashion, he turns me to look at him, asking, “You okay?”
“Fine,” I barely squeak out, unable to meet his gaze.
“Does this happen a lot?” He seems worried.
“Uh, well, often enough. Morning sickness and all.” It’s a stupid lie to tell. The doctors told me I may experience it, and I may not. So far, I haven’t gotten sick once. Queasy, yes, but that’s not the reason for my mess tonight. My nerves and fears have gotten the best of me.
“Let’s walk you inside. I had the hut stocked with everything we’d need before we arrived.”
I look at the beautiful scene before me as he pulls me inside the tiny structure. I think it’s about as big as my small apartment. Covered in straw on the outside, I’m almost afraid the inside will be the same. As we enter, I am pleasantly surprised to see normal walls. Must be an appeal thing, I figure.
Looking around, I notice it’s nothing more than what a bachelor apartment would be. Just one large room excluding the bathroom and even that is only blocked off by glass stones. The kitchen is at the back overlooking the shrouded trees behind us. The bed looks deliciously comfortable with its huge pillows and large window facing the water we just left.
If I close my eyes and strain my hearing, I can hear the water swishing on the shore. Its gentle sway rocks me into another dimension.
Hands on my hips startle me out of my fantasy. “Crawl on into bed, and I’ll grab you some water.” Jordan’s words are soft but no less commanding than his suggestion we come inside.
Impossible to ignore his caring nature, I follow his lead and lay atop the soft bed. Immediately, I’m left feeling more content in that moment than ever before in my life. If this is all a dream, I don’t ever want to wake up.
The light breeze through the open window, the sounds from the rustling trees, and the water swaying soon have me lulled into sleep. I hear Jordan near me again, encouraging me to drink, but I couldn’t be bothered. I just want to enjoy the freedom of being peaceful without the guilt of my parents ruining it.
Megan is fucking exhausted. The bags under her eyes worry me. The throwing up did for a second until she told me it happens. I don’t know much about pregnancy, but I do know that’s one of the side effects.
The way she clung to me as I carried her from the car and down the boardwalk appeased the craving I have for her. If she trusts me in her sleep, hopefully, it will come easier in consciousness.