Page 13 of Mr. & Mrs.: An Arranged Marriage Romance
“I didn’t think you did it,” I say quietly. I don’t really care who she is or was to him.
“Now, maybe you don’t. But it stuck with you so you must have wondered at some point.”
“Did you get into trouble?”
“Oh, the press crucified me.” He laughs like it was no big deal. “The company ripped me a new one”—he kisses my palm—“and the cops brushed her off. There was no physical proof on her body or in picture form.”
“It doesn’t bother you?” I frown. I’d be horrified.
“It did at first, but after a while, I just let it roll off my back. I work with the military on a daily basis; someone is always going to try and discredit me. Whether it’s personal or professional is another story.
“Oh. Your job sucks then.”
His laughter is contagious. “Yeah, some days it does.” Running a finger along my cheek, he holds a tender look on his face as he asks, “How about we get some food into you and peanut?”
Nodding just as my stomach makes its desire known, I ask, “Where are we going?”
“I thought we could stay here. Talk, relax, swim.”
The heated look in his gaze speaks about doing so much more. “I’ll go shower while you order.”
His laughter follows my scattering feet to the tiny bathroom area. As soon as the water hits my body, I feel every aching muscle from our lovemaking and smile in remembrance. His rough hands as he held me sweetly is something I’ll treasure forever.
The freedom with which Megan giggles and laughs is the stuff a man like me lives for. It means I’m doing shit right when I feel like I might be pushing her too far.
Keeping myself from jumping into that shower with her while I wait for our breakfast to get here is taking every ounce of self-control I have. I don’t want to suffocate her with my presence, but I also don’t like her having too much time to think about us and if we are moving too fast.
Listening to her now, she’s humming, and I’m hoping that means she’s satisfied. A ding from my computer captures my attention. Opening the device, the email pops up, and I see an angry note from my assistant threatening to report to HR about harassment. Dismissing her angry threats, I delete her email without responding. Little does she know, but I have cameras in my office with recordings of each proposition she made and every denial from me.
“Everything okay, Jordan?” Megan’s soft voice dispels my annoyed mood immediately.
Pulling her onto my lap, my mouth waters at the tiny blue bikini she’s wearing. “This should be illegal.”
“What should?” She looks around, slightly confused.
“How good you look.” Her hand slaps my chest playfully. “Breakfast will be here soon. Orange juice, fruit platter, a few pastries, and some yogurt.”
“That sounds divine.”
“Eat outside?” There is a small deck built onto the side of the house with a patio table and is covered in shade.
Guiding my wife out, I get her settled before I start grilling her with questions. “I thought maybe we should talk about a few things before we get home.”
Worry replaces her smile. “About what?” The way she’s vibrating in her seat both pisses me off and makes me sad for her.
“Nothing bad, sweetheart. I want to know more about your life. What your expectations are from this marriage.”
Blowing out a breath, she fills me in on enough to make me want to throttle this ex of hers.
“Well, when I quit school, I started working full-time in the department store I’ve been at for a few years. I had planned on taking a month off after the baby was born then going back.” She looks down like she’s ashamed. “Connor isn’t going to help, so it’s my only option.”
Cupping her cheeks in my hands, I kneel in front of her. “Megan.” My sigh is heavy. “I’m your option. I’m peanut’s option. I know it’s going to take some getting used to, but I will take care of you. Both of you.”
“I don’t want you to think– “
“It has nothing to do with what I might think. It’s what I want. To help you. I want you to come to me when you need anything. I want you to think of my money as our money.” Shaking my head, I force down my laughter. “Christ, woman, I could buy a small country if I had the desire to. Taking care of you and every child we have together is going to be a blessing.”