Page 64 of Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors 3)
“Lock you in a closet,” Linc tried too.
She looked between them with a look that said, yeah, I’ve won. Suckers.
He wasn’t pleased.
An hour later and they were on their way back to Bay City. To where it all began. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit she was terrified of what would happen. Logically, she knew she was safe and that Linc and Creed wouldn’t let anything to happen to her. But her subconscious was terrified she’d be sucked back into the whirlwind of hell and pain she was in months ago.
The drive was quiet with light country music playing in the background. They were pissed off at her and she understood. They didn’t want to see her in pain and going back to where her suffering began very well might do it to her. She was in desperate need of closure, though. She had no idea how else to get it.
It was like there was a gaping hole inside her that left her with a dozen questions and no answers. She knew what they‘d told her, but she still felt like they were leaving something out. That there was something she was missing; she just couldn’t figure it out.
Leaning between the front seats, she told them quietly, “I’m sorry.”
With her head down, she was afraid to see something in their eyes that would break her heart. She couldn’t look at them. Couldn’t handle the hurt it would cause if they were disappointed in her.
A gentle finger under her chin had her eyes lifting to meet Linc’s chocolate brown ones. They held worry and love for her but nothing else. When he went to speak, she kissed him.
She didn’t initiate contact often so they knew when she did to let her roll with it. It was a simple meeting of lips. Sticky sweet with all the love she could give him. It was important he know more than words could say that she got it.
Pulling back slowly, she gasped when he slid a hand into her hair pulling her back for more. Slamming his lips against hers again he took control, melting any resistance away immediately. It was a stamp of ownership from him.
A promise for a future of more.
“No need for apologies, Kennedy,” he whispered against her lips. “We just want you safe and happy, Sunshine.” With a smile he pulled away, never breaking eye contact.
Sitting back in her seat, she looked up to see Creed watching her in the rearview mirror. Want and need reflected back at her. Sitting up a little higher, she mouthed, ”I fucking love you,” to him. His smile and mouthed words back to her told her they would be ok.
·?•? ?•?·
As they hit a dirt road, Kennedy awoke from the sleep-like state she’d been in for nearly two hours of their drive. She hadn’t been awake nor had she been asleep, it was like somewhere in between the two where she was resting but aware of her surroundings. Sitting up, she asked, “Are we almost there?”, in a small voice.
“Couple more minutes,” Creed answered her. His voice tense.
She sat rigid in her seat staring out the window. Watching as the trees went by, wondering how they could have found them with the forest so thick with brush. They drove a few more minutes down a long, winding road full of pot holes and rocks.
How did I never wake up? She wondered. She knew they’d been drugged, but the road was so bad. “Was the road always this bad?” she asked.
The guys shared a look she couldn’t decipher before Linc cleared his throat answering her, “No. It used to be paved. The county put gravel along it to discourage people from coming down here,” he explained to her.
“Before or after?” She whispered her question dreading the answer.
Of course. No one cares about an abandoned property until after something bad happens, she thought bitterly. It pissed her off and made her wonder how many other heinous things happened before her.
Creed started slowing the vehicle as they approached where her nightmare began. Unable to see it until she was ready, she closed her eyes tight and dropped her head, her hands fidgeting in her lap. When the vehicle came to a complete stop, she heard Linc and Creed get out, feeling the weight of the vehicle shift as they did. When they each opened the doors on either side of her, she shook her head.
She needed to be here; she knew that. Didn’t mean it would be easy for her, though. She slowed her breathing, trying to calm her erratic heartbeat.
A hand grabbing onto each of hers had her eyes opening to small slits. Peering out from beneath her hair she saw them on either side of her, not forcing her to do anything. Silently lending her the strength she needed.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Linc told her.
“Or we could leave,” Creed suggested. She knew he hated the idea of her even being here. She wasn’t even sure what the point was. It just felt like she should see the place where she lost such a huge part of herself.
Nodding her head, she slipped out on Linc’s side. Grabbing his hands in what she was sure was a death grip, she took a few deep breaths before opening her eyes. Looking into his she saw the support there as well as the worry. It was the understanding in their depths that was nearly her undoing.