Page 59 of Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors 3)
“Ride him,” Creed finally whispered. Reaching forward he ran his fingers through her pussy lips, soaking his fingers in her juices and lightly grazing her clit with one finger when he pulled back, sending a shiver up her spine.
She watched in fascination as he wrapped the same fingers covered in her essence around his cock and started stroking slowly, at first. “Ride,” he demanded again, rougher. Desire laced his voice making it deeper than before.
Doing as he demanded she tried to match her strokes to his. One of Linc’s hands released her hips to snake down and start rubbing slow circles on her clit. Pleasure ran through her. Something so intense she almost couldn’t contain it.
“Oh, God,” she moaned out.
“Let go, Kennedy,” Creed growled, sounding as close as she was.
Squeezing her walls tighter on every stroke as Linc took over pumping up into her, he started cursing. “Tighter, Sunshine,” he begged her.
Squeezing as tight as she could, she knelt up slightly so he had better access as he began pumping into her harder. She felt like she could feel him growing larger. She was soon so lost in her pleasure that she didn’t know where she began and Linc ended. It was intense, mind-blowing pleasure. Her entire body started tingling in a way she’d never dreamed possible.
Her toes curled, legs tensed, and her back bowed her forward so hard she feared it would snap. In the next moment lights danced in front of her and her ears buzzed. Her pulse was so fast she could feel it all along her body traveling from one pleasure point to the next. Her orgasm so overwhelming she couldn’t see straight.
“Linc,” she screamed in pleasure-induced fear.
Creed came forward then, kissing along her neck up to her jaw. Sucking her lower lip into his mouth, he bit down gently as she felt a warm splash land on her chest. Startled, she soon realized through Creed’s moans that he’d just come all over her. It took away the fear from her orgasm having him share his pleasure with her in such an elemental way.
“Holy fuck,” Linc whispered underneath her as she felt him shoot jets of cum deep inside her body. The warmth eased any lingering fear she had. Knowing they were as much a part of her as she was to them was soothing and freeing all at the same time.
It wasn’t long after that she started to feel drowsy. When they tried getting her up to help her get clean and ready for bed, she waved them off just wanting to bask in the afterglow of their love-making. They weren’t perfect, but together they were whole.
·?•? ?•?·
She couldn’t breathe, something was constricting her throat and squeezing tighter and tighter the more she struggled. It felt like a boa constrictor around her neck. Floating aimlessly in the air, she was confused.
Screaming in the distance drew her attention. Trying to seek out the source of the noise, she was stuck. Almost like an out of body experience. She struggled to move, to find the screaming. To stop it.
Panic soon set in and she was screaming herself. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on moving her weightless form. When she heard the screams coming closer, she opened her eyes to find she was flying. It was strange but she felt almost free like that.
It wasn’t long before she realized where she was and what was happening. Shaking her head back and forth, she started mumbling, “no, no, no, no,” repeatedly. She didn’t want to be here. She didn’t want to live it again.
Trying her best to get further away from that cabin, she found the more she fought the closer she came to it. It wasn’t long before she was back in that room, seeing it all happen again, watching that woman beat her like she was nothing. The horrible things she would say to her.
Turning away from the scene before her, she tried to run out the door but it was stuck. She started banging on it so hard her hands bled.
A menacing laugh had her turning back around in horror. She remembered that laugh. What was coming next? The awful pain. The way she just watched as it happened, not making a sound.
“Fight, Kennedy!” She tried screaming into the room but her voice was gone. No sound came out. Running to the bed, she tried grabbing the knife from the woman’s hand but her own seemed to slip right through her.
“Fight, goddamn it!” She tried screaming right in her own ear this time. But still no sound came out.
As the woman started slicing shallow cuts on her arms, she felt each one like they were happening again. Panicked, she ripped her shirt off to try and stop the bleeding, only to discover her own arms were bleeding just the same again.
Her body instantly started shaking, fear wrapped its tentacles around her heart. Ice bled into her veins. Cold, she was so cold. The fear was consuming her to the point she couldn’t function. Sliding down to the floor, she laid there watching in horror as it all happened again.
Hearing a door slam, she saw him throw Emily into the room landing in the blood that had leaked from her body in tiny rivulets. Trying to gain strength she told Emily, “Run,” in a pathetic whimper.
When Emily seemed to look up, she thought maybe she’d heard her and would run. Only she was frozen in shock upon seeing the woman. “Please, Emily,” she tried begging again. Wanting to save her friend the pain she knew she would eventually feel.
Standing, she tried moving towards her but realized she was stuck. Looking around, she came face to face with herself. Chained to a wall.
“Oh, God,” she moaned in horror.
Hearing a crash behind her she whipped around to find Emily passed out on the floor, a clump of blood marring her golden hair.
“Please don’t do this,” she begged as the woman and her husband walked towards her. They walked right past her to her real life body, a blow to the face had her blacking out again.