Page 49 of Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors 3)
Finally turning to look at her brother she saw the man. The worried one, the one who had aged since she left. His eyes weren’t laughing at some stupid stunt she pulled because the stupid stunt caused everyone around her so much pain. Pain that was meant for her and her alone.
Pulling back from her men she ran over to Ty, throwing herself into his arm. She was immediately swamped with his big arms protecting her, loving her, and in that moment she forgave them for their harsh accusations. She knew they felt everything as much as her. That they were just worried about her well-being.
“I’m sorry too, Tyler. I was just so overwhelmed and scared. I needed to figure out what to do with myself again, figure out who I was and where I was going. In an instant everything changed, and I was so lost,” she told them looking between both of her siblings so they understood she didn’t do it to hurt anyone.
“I didn’t mean to hurt anyone; you guys have to know this.” She pleaded with them.
“Fuck. Dammit, Kennedy, this isn’t easy for anyone. I know you were in a bad place but no more running kid, okay?” Nate begged with such a look of sadness on his face, her tears started coming faster.
“I promise,” she vowed.
“Thank fuck,” he smiled at her. That smile let her know they were going to be ok.
“Nathaniel! Language. If you don’t watch your tongue this baby’s first word is going to be fuck.” Keeley admonished him again.
“Sorry, Butterfly,” Nate told her sheepishly, pulling her into his arms.
Seeing her brothers so in love with Keeley and her love shining back at them made her realize all the things she was missing out on. What she could have if only she could find her medium. Forgive herself and move on.
One secret she hadn’t shared with anyone was the blame she placed on herself. If she’d been more aware, then she and Emily wouldn’t have been taken. If she’d paid more attention when her brothers and dads tried to teach her self-defence, she could have fought their abductors off. If she hadn’t been harassing their bodyguards so much, they could have anticipated what happened. So many what ifs haunted her mind.
Looking to Creed and Linc, she could envision a life of happiness with them. The white picket fence and two point five kids and a little dog. It was such a sharp image she was left breathless. They could see the change in her immediately, as they came closer with questions reflected in their eyes. She shook her head so they wouldn’t ask anything yet.
Clearing her throat, she looked back to her brothers as they held Keeley between them and asked, “Are you guys coming with us?”
“Nah, Ken, I think that’s something you gotta do,” Nate told her softly. Nodding her head, she braced herself for the emotional storm she would no doubt be heading into.
·?•? ?•?·
As they climbed into the SUV to take Kennedy to her parent’s house, Creed simmered with rage at her brothers for throwing what they had at her. He couldn’t believe it. Sure they were pissed she’d run and maybe they would always worry about it happening again, but never would he have dreamed of them throwing guilt onto her already turbulent emotions.
He understood why she ran, hell, almost anyone would have done the same. But then to finally find the courage to come back and immediately be assaulted with guilt was more than she should have had to take.
Once she was settled and buckled into the passenger seat, he threw the SUV into gear and they started their journey to her parents quietly, no one wanting to make the already tense situation worse. He was proud of her for standing up to them, making them understand only a small amount of her pain. But now he and Linc were tasked with protecting her from her parents because he could only imagine how they were feeling.
Adjustments would need to be made and apologies would have to be given, and people would have to make amends with decisions of the past, but there was nothing they wouldn’t save her from, and if that meant the anger of her family then they would do it. Already having a tenuous relationship with them about their decision on her recovery, he got more tense the closer they came to their house.
“Creed?” Kennedy broke the tense ride with her whispered question.
“Yeah, Sunshine?”
“Are you still mad at me?” The pain in her voice had him pulling over to the side of the road so he could look into her eyes for what he had to say.
“For a while I was mad,” he started, noting the drop of her eyes as he said it. “But not once was I mad at you. I was mad that you were in pain and we couldn’t help you. Hell, you didn’t even know who we were until you woke up.” Her eyes flew to his at that. Smiling gently, he continued. “I was fucking pissed that you left, but Kennedy, more than anything I was worried. Worried you were hurting alone. But mad at you? I’ve never been mad at you.”
The tears on her lashes teetered on the edge of falling when she grabbed his hand and hugged it to her chest whispering gratefully, “Thank you.”
Leaning over to her he placed a soft kiss on her forehead before starting the vehicle and continuing on again.
As they pulled into her parent’s drive a short time later, her dad, Jackson, was sitting on one of the rockers on the porch. She immediately began crying and shaking her head whispering, “I’m not ready.” As soon as Jackson saw them he stood up. Creed could see the shock written across his features.
When a hopeful light entered his eyes as he locked them on her, Creed knew they might have to push her into getting out.
Looking in the back to Linc he told him, “I’ll be right back,” knowing he had to give Jackson forewarning not to mess with her head and prepare them for her turmoil.
Climbing out, he took one last look at her shattered face and that resolved him to do what needed to be done. Walking up to Jackson, who had yet to take his eyes off her shadowy form in the front seat, he extended his hand with a short greeting. “Sir.”
“Young man, tell me that is my baby girl in there,” he demanded and Creed could hear how choked up he was.