Page 43 of Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors 3)
It wasn’t that she didn’t think they would support her unconditionally; she just needed to be sure she was ready. She’d tried to phone her parents but didn’t think she could handle talking to them. It would be too easy to hang up if she got overwhelmed; whereas, if she were with them then she would have to face her fears head on.
“What’s going on, Sunshine?” Linc asked, approaching her from behind her spot on the beach while she drew one last sunset.
“I want to go home.”
“You sure?” Creed asked sitting down on her other side.
“No, but I’ll have to eventually, and I’m as ready as I’ll ever be now.”
“We have a flight booked for tomorrow morning,” Linc told her with a sly smile gracing his full lips.
“You knew?” She should be more shocked, but if there was anything she’d learned in the last few weeks with them, it was that they often knew what she wanted before she did.
“We figured it was only a matter of time. I’m just glad it wasn’t for today or we might be screwed,” Creed joked.
“I guess I should pack then, huh?”
“We’ve, uh, been slowly doing that for you for a few days now.”
“Lincoln!” she admonished. She couldn’t be all mad; it did save her the work of doing it.
“What? Saves you the trouble, yes?”
“The man has jokes.” She smiled at him sideways, letting him know she wasn’t mad. She was honestly relieved that they knew her so well. “Do they know?” She worried.
“No, Sunshine. No one does,” Creed told her as he laid his chin on her shoulder.
·?•? ?•?·
“Motherfucker!” Linc growled loudly when he saw the same fucking steward about to board the plane they would have to get on to head back to Texas.
“Lincoln! Language,” Kennedy chastised him pointing to the children around them; oddly, he liked it.
“I don’t wanna be groped and fondled again,” he grumbled.
“What are you talking about?” she asked in frustration.
“Linc’s got himself a little boy toy here in London, and it looks like he just boarded our plane home.” Creed laughing at his expense didn’t help his temper.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you swung that way?” The look on her face was all innocence, but he saw the mischief in her eyes.
Bending down he whispered in her ear, “Keep it up and I’ll introduce you to the mile-high club, Sunshine.”
“Mile-high club?” she asked a little too loudly for his liking.
“Christ woman,” Linc cursed as he placed a hand over her mouth, earning them some strange looks from passersby. “I’ll fuck you somewhere on that plane and have you screaming us down from the air if you keep it up,” he vowed quietly.
The shock on her face would have been comical if people weren’t stopping to ask if she was alright, so he kissed her. They were soon lost in their passion. She lit up under his mouth. Her moans started out quietly as she rubbed her chest against him but quickly got louder when he started to knead the flesh of her ass.
“Enough of that you two, let’s go.” Creed grumped as he bumped their shoulders.
After boarding the plane, they all got settled in for the long flight ahead and Kennedy was fast asleep by the time they took off. Thankfully, she was cuddled between them with arms wrapped around Linc’s waist because low and fucking behold the touchy feely steward came by as soon as he saw them.
“Well, well, well, we meet again,“ he greeted with a flip of his hand. Creed laughed, Kennedy moaned in her sleep, and he wanted to shoot the bastard.
“I’m sorry, have we met?” Linc asked trying to hold onto his temper before he made good on his first threat of throwing the guy out a door mid-flight.
“Oh yes, handsome, we have. A few weeks ago you were in my care on the way to London.” He smiled like it was an important moment in time for Linc.