Page 41 of Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors 3)
“Yes, I know. It’s not that I think they’ll treat me bad or anything; it’s that I’m still afraid they’re going to expect me to be who I was and you know I’m not that girl anymore,” she tried to explain.
Coming over to her, he wrapped her in his arms. She felt safe there, safer than she could ever remember feeling. “It’s gonna be an adjustment for everyone. They’ll want to treat you the way they normally do so you don’t feel like they’re trying to force you into anything, but Sunshine, you need to let them know when you’re uncomfortable. Communication is key.”
“When did you get so wise?” she murmured looking up into his strong, handsome face. She could get lost in his dark eyes. She once thought them to be empty, but now she was able to see all his emotions reflected back at her. He felt so deeply.
“Good genes,” he winked teasing her.
A derisive snort coming from the stairs announced Linc’s presence. “More like blind luck.” He smirked at Creed as she tried to stifle her laughter behind her hand. “C’mere, Sunshine,” he told her while reaching his hand out for her.
Walking into Linc’s arms felt natural like she’d been doing it her entire life. When he bent her over one arm and swooped her in to kiss her, she could have sworn she felt her panties melt away to dust. His kiss was so intense she felt her entire body light up like the Fourth of July fireworks. She vibrated with lust and need for him as he devoured her mouth.
When he finally started to pull away, he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth making her moan out loud thinking of other things he could be sucking on. Her entire face flamed at the thought. He, of course, caught it and immediately called her on it. “Dirty thoughts, Sunshine?”
Looking down so as not to meet his eyes she whispered, “I’ll never tell.” Smiling at his speechless face she let go of him and made her way to the fridge to pull out what she needed to make dinner.
“Shoot,” she mumbled after she dug through the cupboards unable to find the peanut oil she needed. “I’ll be right back.” Darting upstairs she quickly threw on leggings and a sweater to run over to Deedee’s villa in the hopes she hadn’t left yet.
“Hang on there woman; where ya going?” Linc asked grabbing her around the waist as she was about to put on her sandals.
“Dee has peanut oil. In fact, I think it’s my peanut oil.” She growled trying to break free of his arms.
“I can go get it. I like the idea of you naked and cooking for me,” he whispered in her ear seductively.
“No, that’s ok. She’s leaving to go home tonight and I’d like to say goodbye to her again. I won’t be long.” She smiled back at him.
“Alright, but we’ll be watching,” Creed told her as he opened the door for her.
Kissing him on the cheek, she jogged to her friend’s villa hoping she wasn’t too late. She really did want to say goodbye again. As she got closer, she noticed the same car parked in her drive that she’d seen nearly a month ago. The one that had spooked Deedee so bad she’d come running to Kennedy’s house.
Looking behind her to be sure the guys were still watching, she gave a little wave as nerves took over her belly. Reaching the front door, she was about to knock when it flew open and she was met with a large man’s back who was yelling inside. “It’s time to face your father again, Deidre! You can’t run forever.”
“Who says I’m running you overgrown jackass!” she heard Deedee yell from somewhere inside the house. Just as he turned, she was about to leave. The look on his face scared her in ways she hadn’t felt since her men had arrived. He was more than just angry at Dee; he was furious.
Taking a step back from him, she waited for him to pass but he watched her so intently she felt it in her soul. It made her start to fidget. Looking out of the corner of her eye she tried to see if she could catch Linc or Creed’s attention, but she quickly noticed she was too far away for them to see a simple look.
“Umm, hi,” she said in a small voice.
“Who the fuck are you?” he demanded in a menacing voice.
Clearing her throat, she tried to sound stronger than she felt in that moment. “I’m Kennedy. Dee’s neighbor.” She couldn’t meet his eyes no matter how hard she tried. He intimidated her that much.
“What the hell— Kennedy!” Dee stopped yelling at him as soon as she noticed her standing before them both. “What’s going on, Ken?”
“Ken?” he asked dismissively.
“Yeah, Ken, you jackass. It’s called a nickname. People give them to other people when they care about them. But in order to care, a person must have feelings first. Something you’re lacking. Now fuck off.”
“What the fuck? Dom? What the fuck are you doing here?” she heard Creed demand angrily, but she was trapped. Almost like tunnel vision, she could see and hear everything going on around her but her fear was holding her hostage. Her vision was starting to blur and she was becoming light-headed the longer she stood there.
When she felt hands on her shoulders she jumped, but it was an almost instant calming. She knew it was Linc from the way he held her, wrapping his arms around her, shielding her. Keeping her close. It helped ease some of the fear that was raging to come out.
“Well, looks like our business was in the same place after all,” the man, Dom, laughed.
“Ignore him guys; he’s an ass. An ass who needs to leave now because I’m sick of looking at your perfect face.” Deedee growled at him, but she saw a flash of longing in her friend’s eyes.
“Perfect, huh?” He smirked at her very angry face.
“Dom, why are you here?” Creed asked again.