Page 17 of Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors 3)
“Yeah, poke the bear that’s a good idea,” Linc teased, making them both glare at him. Raising his hands in surrender he left them to it, thoroughly enjoying the show as she displayed more and more of her true colors. It was a sight to behold.
Watching closely he saw she was shaking, whether in anger, amusement, or fear he couldn’t be certain. So to avoid any sort of meltdown he stepped behind her, grabbing her hips and dragging her a few steps back with him.
“Sunshine,” he started to whisper.
“Lincoln,” she shot back, voice laced in frustration.
“Please help us understand.” He was trying to reason with her. “We just want to know what’s so important that you have to leave so early is all.”
She didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Her eyes seemed to study the mass of tattoos on Creed’s chest, either that or she was admiring him. He didn’t care as long as she didn’t run screaming. Clearing her throat, she finally admitted, “I have an appointment I can’t miss.”
“Appointment for what?” Creed jumped on her before he could say anything.
Shooting daggers at his brother, Linc tried to make it sound less like a demand. “What my eloquence-challenged brother is trying to ask is, why so early?”
“I can’t say. No. I don’t want to say. I’m not ready to tell you, ok? Now I have to leave or I’ll really be late. Please?” The pleading in her voice had them both stepping back, realizing how important it must be. “Thank you,” she whispered, unlocking her car before turning to face them. “I promise I’m coming back.”
They watched her drive away.
Both standing there like idiots, not realizing they’d been so blatant about their biggest fear…
Her disappearing.
·?•? ?•?·
Fucking, aggravating woman. He couldn’t believe she had the balls to tell him off like that. Creed smiled wide at just how well she’d stood her ground, not even hesitating to tell him to mind his own business. He was incredibly damn proud of her. She was starting to find herself again. He highly anticipated the day she would let loose without her fear holding her back.
Watching her car until it was around the bend a few hundred meters, a cool breeze brought home the fact that he was only wearing his boxers. Giggling from his right also let him know he was in public… Sorta.
“Well, hello, handsome.” Whipping around to the feminine voice, he sagged in relief that it was Kenny’s friend… Uh, what was her name again?
“Uh, yeah, hi…” Smooth Creed.
“You don’t remember me do you?” she asked as he started putting the sweats on that Linc had brought him.
“Sure, I do. You’re Kenny’s friend.”
“My name, big guy.” She smirked at his blank face.
“No offense, sweetheart, but we came for Kenny. Anything else is obsolete,” Linc supplied not so helpfully while laughing at him being caught nearly naked. He didn’t care, so long as she kept her hands to herself.
“Yeah, thanks, jackass. Way to insult a girl,” she told Linc sarcastically.
What the fuck is her name? He knew it was a double letter kind of deal. Like some high-class escort.
CC? No, too sweet for a girl like her. She had a look that said she was anything but sweet.
JJ? Hmm, no, too hard.
DD? Ha! Yes!
“DD?” he asked.
“Close, big guy. But it’s Deedee,” she spelled it for him like the double ‘e’s somehow made a difference to him.
“Ya, ok, sure. Can we help you with something?” he asked shortly. Ready to leave this conversation behind and figure out why Kenny was going to Florence.